Love or Hate

 by De Quan M.




Love the Emotion (Female 18, twin of…)

Hate the Thought (Male 18, twin brother of Love)


In the brain of a married man with thoughts of Contemplating & Pursuing flyin’ around but Integrity & Fidelity are maneuvering through the brain as well.


3:00 pm

At Rise:  

Love is arguing with Hate about doin’ the right thing but Hate ain’t try’na hear it.





Man, you always tawkin’ ‘bout doin’ the right thing gets you further in life.  Man. Whatever.




You sayin’ dis now but when I influence dis man not to cheat on his wife you ain’t gone be sayin’ all dat no mo.  Damn I can’t stand an immoral woman.



What, ain’t nothing like an immoral woman.  She always come at the wrong time.  She always influence somebody to do the wrong thing.  These immoral women is like goddesses.  I totally love ‘em.



And dis, comin’ from you don’t mean nothing- cause I expect it, but any other emotion or thought, I would have been went upside dey head.



Haha Love, you all bark no bite.  You ain’t bout dis GRIMMY LIFE.  I don’t know how you ended up bein’ my sis, let alone my twin.  MOM’s was puttin’ in work fo’ sho…hahahaha….wearin his butt out.  You th—



Hey, Shut up, who wants to hear about their parents…ewww, dats disgusting, but anyways, you know what I always wondered…?





I always wondered how it feels to like hate, because you always seem happy after you do something hateful.




Are you serious (laughter) that’s funny, you’re such a poodie.  I never expected to hear that.  I’m so tellin’ Dad.



See, I knew I shouldn’t of told you nun.   You can’t keep a secret if yo life depended on it.



I can keep a secret if you can.



Come on Hate, I’m Love, I’m the definition of secrets, just tell me.



Okay, you’re not gonna tell…






Okay, I always wondered how it feel to love, too.  I mean, it just looks all jolly like you get pleasure from spreadin’ love.



HAHAHA. You are such a punk, Hate! No, that was funny! Haha..I’m so tellin’ mom!




You said you wouldn’t tell, that’s why I’m going to takeover this brain and spread hate all over his pathetic body. And you’re not goin’ to be an emotion no more.



Is that what you want?!?!  You don’t want me around no more…I’m your sister, I thought you loved me.



Do you hear yourself?  How could you insult me like that…tawkin’ ‘bout “love you!”  Come on sis, I’m Hate, vile, pernicious, reprehensible, abominable, malignant.  I could think of a lot more that defines me if you want me to.



No, I don’t care!  I wish you were never my brother.  I hope the thought of hate never existed.  I hope hate disappears forever!



Are you serious?  Who wants love in their life?  Your emotion wouldn’t be around for too long. You don’t get it do you sis?  You made me, Love brings Hate.  What twin do you know that came out a whole day after.  You’re such an oaf.  (stutters) You’re like a dolt, uh uh uh…what’s the other one a,,a,,,a…lout….haha….yea that’s what you are.



I’ll show you…watch.  I’ll wipe out every emotion like your kind, you ugly ugly thought.  You’re such an ugly (sticks her tongue out and gives him a raspberry).



Shhhh…you hear his heart?  That’s my immoral babe comin’ in.  Oooweeee…he fi’na cheat today.  Mmmm hmm…you gone learn today.




Shut up, well watch this (Love says to the man) Don’t let this wicked woman influence you to cheat on your wife, you been together 15 years.  Do what’s right.



(Hate says to the man) Don’t listen to her, she don’t know what she tawkin’ ‘bout.  Yo wife prolly got another man in yo bed in yo house in yo tighty whities.  You betta let her take you home.



(Love says to the man) NOOOOO!  Hates a Baffoon!  Your wife would never do nothing like that.  Especially not your tighty whities.  She loves you.



(Hate says to the man)  Listen Bro, God, All she’s going to want is a quickie.  It would be over before you know it.  You actually might like it.


(The Immoral Woman takes the Man’s hand)



(Love says to the man) Are you seriously contemplating on goin’ wit dis woman?  She’s trife!  And if you listen to Hate you would never be able to love no more because I will no longer be in your brain or anyone else’s.




(Hate says to the Man) You don’t need love no more anyway.  Love is played out.  Put some pep in your step and go with this immoral babe and let her take over.  I’m tellin’ you, I bet she has a husband too.  So it would be even better, look at it like it’s not you cheatin’ on your wife, she’s cheatin’ on her husband.  Sooo go do yo thang bruh…




(Love says to the Man) You know what, I think you should think about the good times you had, with your wife, like remember the time you went to Italy and you ordered spaghetti and you ate every noodle together until you guys kissed.

(The Man lets go of the immoral woman’s hand and tells her he has to go to the restroom.)




(Hate tells the Man) Dude, you’re never going to get an opportunity like this again.  GO GET HER Bruh.  (Then he says to his sister Love) Why is you makin’ him reminisce, that’s cheatin man on ethos bruh


(The Man sprints out the restroom and goes directly to the Immoral Woman)



(Love says to her brother Hate) No it’s not cheatin’, kiss your little thought life goodbye.  (Then she says to the man) Remember, think of the good times…

(The Man tells the immoral woman that he can’t cheat on his wife.)



(Hate says to the man) I guess you made your mind up huuh.  Well at least I tried so just kno that Hate told you so.  (Hate turns to his sister Love) I guess you’re getting what you always wanted, his mind is made sis.  I’m no longer going to be in your life.

(The man tells the immoral woman he thinks she should go.)



(Love says to the man) Don’t you feel relieved now you could go home to your wife and know you did the right thing.  I think you should call it a day and go home early, just so you could give your wife the biggest hug and kiss.



Forget yawl den! You pathetic lima bean.  (Hate no longer alive, because the man chose Love.).


(The Man goes home early and finds out that his wife was with another man in his house, in his bed and wearin his tighty whities)…



No, what are you doing?  I thought you loved your wife.  Why are you leaving…

(The man’s body fills with Hatred and he leaves.).



What the-why do I feel so like empty.  I can’t breathe, Oh My God, No, Please don’t tell me I’m Dyi—


(Love is no longer, Love dies.).



Hahaha…I’M BACK.


