Addiction and Change
By Alicia M.

Headstrong the Ukulele, age 17
Unpleasant The Ukulele, age 17(Headstrong’s Conscience)

On The Beach. We hear beautiful music. We can touch warm sand. The smell is fresh air.

Summertime at 2:00am

At rise.
Headstrong and Unpleasant sitting in the sand looking at the water.



Ey Dude. You ready to use some Sandpaper? We got some leftover from yesterday.


Nah, I’m koo. I’m not in the mood.


What? You’re crazy…C’mon Bro.

Headstrong (Pissed Off Look)

Life is not all about using Sandpaper okay. I said No. N.O. No!


Whoa. Calm down. What’s wrong with you?



I want to stop using sandpaper…and… and go to music school.

Stop sandpaper? Go to school? What the hell is wrong with you? That’s no fun. Remember that time we was using sandpaper just choppin’ it up about all the other ukuleles. The ones who were nerds. The boring uke’s who was in music school.

Yes. I remember but look, my strings are loosening and I want to be able to play music. I want to be one of those nerds. They mean something! Unlike us. Dude we have no lives and I want to mean something aight.


Dude, you don’t know what you want. Just get the sandpaper. It will make you feel better, better yet not think of this nonsense.

I already said no and I’m not changing my mind. So stop asking.


C’mon dude, you know you want to….


(Thinking out loud to self) Ugh, maybe Unpleasant is right. This is probably nonsense…and I do kind of want to.
And plus you wouldn’t make it in music school anyways. You’re nothing but a paper head. So just do what you’re good at bro.


What the hell kind of a conscience are you? You’re supposed to be helping me. Not bringing me down. You’re so freakin’ evil.

                    Unpleasant(confused look)
What you mean bringing you down. I’m trying to help you so you will have fun and not be boring…


(Thinking out loud to self) How can she be so ignorant? ugh! She’s so dumb. She supposedly my friend and she doesn’t want me to follow my dream. And she’s okay with me doing the most un-healthiest things out there.

                                                                        Unpleasant(getting mad)
Just get the damn sandpaper already. You’re really starting to piss me off!
                                                                                 Headstrong(pissed off, mug on face)
Are you crazy? Don’t you ever talk to me like that! I got auditions tomorrow, so NO! You know what, HELL NO!…..

(Thinking out loud to self) OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, I think I got her mad. I’m so scared, shaking out of my broken strings. Why can’t she see I’m trying to help?

….I’ve got to play my best song tomorrow and sandpaper isn’t helping. I’m tired and worn out. I haven’t slept or ate in weeks. It’s 2:30 in the freakin’ morning. I want to feel something again. Sandpaper isn’t making me happy anymore. I________

            (Cuts Her Off)

Shut up and stop being so sensitive. Do you not understand, if you go to music school I won’t even exist anymore.
You know what, it’s getting to the point where I don’t even care if you exist.  You’re such a horrible conscience. I want you dead. I use to care but now I don’t. Bye.


Wow Bro! That’s pretty harsh.


Maybe it was, but you have to understand, I gotta let you go bro. I was hoping you’d understand, that’s why I even had this conversation with you.

Unpleasant (shocked look on face)

Music school sucks. Partying is fun.


I want to be someone, and tomorrow is my only chance to get into music school. We had good times but I’m done. So good luck with yourself. You’ll realize sooner or later, I’m done with you. Dude bye. Take care.

( That moment Unpleasant died out of Headstrong’s mind forever. Rest In Peace Unpleasant. Gone and always forgotten.)

The end….
