Johnny Calero Sanchez joined the Success Center San Francisco family as a Program Assistant in June 2016. SCSF staffers who work with him will likely tell you that (among his many other useful traits) Johnny has extensive expertise in using a natural and organic approach to communicating with his clients and fellow SCSF staff. Perhaps this knack for communication is partially the result of his current “Early Childhood and Adolescent Development Studies” at San Francisco State University. Or maybe it can be traced from his experiences as a self-professed “Technology Enthusiast.”
Johnny spent the last 6 years as an early childhood educator building the foundation that now supports our youth. Before that, he was involved in the technology field for almost 10 years. He survived the Y2K bug, the dotcom boom, and moved on triumphant with the title “Genius” at Apple, his last employer.. His technology and early childhood educator background plays an intricate part on his methodical and natural approach on serving our youth.
Currently, Johnny acts as a facilitator of our 3-week Computer Literacy Program. The literacy program assists clients with learning essentials, personal technology basics such as: hardware knowledge (nuts and bolts), introduction to using the computer and MS Office Suite, and navigating the Internet (getting online without getting out of line).
Johnny’s instructional style is to let program participants interact with him in joint activities whenever possible. He tailors his curriculum to participants’ previous experiences, their current skills and then leads them in thoughtful discussions.
Johnny also works with several other Success Center programs including: Code Ramp, the Retail and Hospitality program, My Homies’ Couch, the Social Innovation Program, and the Mayor’s Youth Jobs Plus.
Johnny resides in San Francisco with his two elementary school aged sons. He enjoy exploring the city, and eating its multi-cultural cuisine, trying new recipes at home, exercising, music, dance, fostering meaningful relationships, and being in the moment.