By:  Ally B.


Daizy the Border Collie (Female, 20 dog years old)

Pitch the Acoustic Guitar (Male, 35 songs old)


Place/Setting:  Apartment in Brooklyn, New York. Small complex, one bedroom, medim sized lving room, torn up old couch, velvet curtains, carpeted floors, clothes everywhere, dirty kitchen with dishes strewn all around.


Time: 8:30 am on December 19, 2001


At Rise:  Daizy quietly lays on her pillow, Pitch “sleeps” in his propped open black guitar case.  Daizy hears construction from outside their window.




(Wakes up startled) What was that?


(Groggily) What’s what?


That noise, I think its coming from outside.


I don’t hear anything.


It’s so loud how could you not hear it?


Are you talking about the construction that’s going on in our building?


(Excitedly) On our building? What are they doing to it?


I don’t know but I’ starting to get a little worried.


Worried about what?


I’m not so sure, let me look outside.


Do you see it?


Yeah, I see…something.  Wait there’s a flyer, hold on, let me read it.

Wait a second…what do they mean they’re demolishing it?  Maybe I read that wrong…(reads flyer again, flyer says…) Attention all residents, as of December 19, 2001 we will begin the demolishment of this building. Remove all personal items.  No exceptions


What’s demolishment?


It’s when they destroy everything in their path until there’s nothing left.  In that case, our apartment building.


(Disbelief) Wait, destroy? 


Take me back to my spot, I need to think.  I can’t look at this right now, it’s too much. Now what?  I have nowhere to go, I don’t know what I’m going to do.


You can come with me.


Come with you where?  Where are you going?


I was thinking, actually…planning that I was gonna run away to this farm I’ve had my eye on for a while, it’s called Foster Farms, I heard about it on TV and it looks like everything I want in a farm.  It’s got beautiful green hills, open fields, fresh air and best of all, lots of chickens.  And now that they are getting rid of the building we are going to need to find a place to live anyway and I feel this is the best option.  I looked it up and there’s a bus that’s leaving to the farm in 15 minutes.


In 15 minutes?  Are you crazy?  I’m not going anywhere.  (Mockingly) And what exactly will you do on this farm?


(Shyly) I was thinking that….well I mean since I never really had one, I could you know raise a family.


Family? What do you need another family for?  You’ve already got one




Right here!  I’m your family.


Yeah I know you are but, its just…It’s not enough, I need a mate and kids!  I need the whole package.


(Offended) I’m not enough?  I’ve been there for you through everything, ever since we were little!  I have never left your side and now you’re saying I’m not enough?!  I can’t believe you would say something like that!  (haughtily shuts case)


Pitch open up please!   I didn’t mean it like that, you know I didn’t, Pitch, you’re right.  You have been there for me through everything and I really appreciate that, I do, I just feel like there’s more out there for me.  I’m happy with you, but just not here.


I’m happy here, in Brooklyn where I was born and raised, everything I love is here and you want me to just leave it so you can live on a farm?  And what am I supposed to do?  Everybody who is anybody in the music industry is here in New York and if I move to a farm who am I gonna play for, some chickens?


All you do is sit in that stupid case all day and just mope about what could’ve been, you haven’t gotten out of that case since John died and I know that you were really close to him and you two were great together but you need to snap out of it and move on.  That’s what I’m trying to do and I think it would be best if you did too.


You’re just being selfish, everything I ever loved died with John.  There’s nothing left for me, unless some miracle happens.  I’ve been having some visions from when I was happy.  I want to feel the lights and the energy from the audience again.  I just want to be wanted again.

I feel like that could still happen (cry) and if you’re gonna leave me…I don’t know what I’ll do.  That’s the last thing I want.


You can stay if you want, it’s your choice.  I mean, if you want to go to the hall of fame where all unwanted instruments go when their owners die. 


I can’t go to a place where I’ll just sit there and be looked at. I don’t want to be looked at, I want to be heard.   I can’t let my music go to waste.



I don’t think I can help you Pitch, I’ve been dreaming about living on a farm all my life.  I think that’s what my parents would want of me considering they couldn’t do it for me.  Do you know how hard it is to grow up without a family?  I was born on a farm and I can remember bits and pieces but it’s not enough. It feels like I really belong there and growing up without my parents has been so hard, all those cold nights alone in the street, I really miss John too Pitch.  But I want to go back to what was my home (cries).


Aw please don’t cry, and you’re right, I wouldn’t know what it’s like because I’m not a dog and I’ve never been that close to my parents either, when I was younger they would always get all the attention and no one wanted me because I was too fragile and still out of tune and too be honest, I wasn’t the best looking guitar there but as soon as I saw John walk in something clicked.  We have been inseparable all the way until he died.  I just haven’t been myself since.


I know it’s been hard Pitch.  But everything happens for a reason and I think this is our time to live our lives the way we want, if you come to the farm with me I’m sure there would be someone there who would be more than happy to play you and give you the love and affection you need.  Just think about it, for both of us.


But what if there isn’t, I don’t think John was meant to die, he was so young it wasn’t his time, I don’t believe in the “meant to be” crap, if it was really meant to be he would still be here.  What if you stay with me?  I’ll find someone who can take care of both of us.  We can stay here and not have to travel to some farm 100 miles away, how come you can’t see how important this is to me?


Where would you go if we stayed anyway?  The building is about to be demolished.


Well that’s where you come in.  I can’t get around New York by myself, I’m gonna need your help to take me to the Hard Rock Café where I can shine again.


What you don’t realize is how I feel about you, I love you Pitch, I don’t know what I would do without you, I’d be lost, please (begging), come with me and we can raise our own family, I will be happy there because I’ll know that I’ll have you by my side but you have to decide quick, the bus that runs into the country leaves in 10 minutes.


You’re actually serious about leaving?  Please don’t do this to me, I love you too Daizy but this is too much to process right now.  If you love me, you’ll give me time to think about all of this.


I just told you how I feel about you, I’ve been holding that in for years and all you can say is that you’ll think about it?


No, not at all, I really do love you.  When I see your smile, it makes me smile.  I will never let you go, I’ll be there for you through it all even if that means leaving the place that I love to be with the one that I love even more.


So you’ll come with me!  Let’s go now!  Hurry!  The bus is going to leave soon!  You, you don’t know how much this means to me.


I’m happy too, let me get my things and we can go.  I’ll be happy with anything as long as I get to see your beautiful face every day.


