A Day in the Garden
by Ana R.
BLOOMY, the sunflower, female, 1 month, friend
SLIPPERY, the water hose, male, 5 years, friend
Preschool garden on a hill. The sound of cars on the freeway and a rooster crowing.
6:30 AM on June 2.
At Rise
Bloomy is in her flower pot just getting ready to open up her petals. Slippery is getting attached to the water faucet.
Good morning, Bloomy. Rise and shine! How’s my favorite sunflower doing on this sunny day?
Good morning, Slippery. I’m pretty tired. I hope you’re more awake than I am so you can give me some water ‘cause I sure missed you yesterday when you weren’t around.
Oh, trust me. I’m wide awake to water today. I’ve been doing nothing but sleeping all day yesterday in that boring old shed.
Well, then you should get to watering.
Okay, coming right up!
Slippery waters Bloomy.
Ah, that water sure does taste good! I’m gonna need a lot of that so I can grow tall.
Oh, I know how you always want to look good for that lame old sunflower in the classroom. You talk about him all day long. It’s all we talk about these days.
Hey! He’s not lame, at least not to me. He’s super-cute, and funny, and charm—
SLIPPERY (Cuts her off)
Blah, blah, blah. Here we go again, just like I was talking about.
Well, now the school year is about to end in just two weeks. I need to get taller before the school year ends so I can go to the classroom and be with him.
I get your urgency, but I hate being locked up in that dark shed all the time. Every day, I look down the hill at that high school garden and wish I could be down there watering all those plants. With so many plants to water, I’m never gonna be in a shed again. Doesn’t that sound exciting?
Yeah, it does. I bet you’ll love it there.
Oh, yeah, and there’s something I gotta tell you…
Oh, no. What is it?
Well, I heard the gardeners talking and they said they’re taking me and my mom, Diggy, to the garden down the hill tomorrow.
WHAT! You’re leaving me tomorrow? How am I supposed to get my water?
Well, I know how badly you want to go in the classroom and I wish I can help you, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to leave and go to a bigger garden.
If you knew how badly I want to go in the classroom, then why can’t you just stay and help me?
If you knew how bad my shed days were, you would understand. Every two days, I’m locked in that dark, smelly, old, and just boring shed all day with no one to talk to but my mom.
I can’t believe this is happening. For so long, I’ve been dreaming of going in that classroom and seeing my crush.
Well, I’m sure the gardeners have a plan to replace me, so you’re still going to get water. I just don’t know when.
How could you do this to me? What do you mean you don’t know when? You’re just gonna leave me here to die?
Well, what would happen if I stayed? You’re just gonna go in the classroom and then what am I supposed to do? Just continue my boring life here?
You’re here, worrying about your boring life when I’m gonna die!
The gardeners are not going to let you die. Calm down, Bloomy. You don’t have to be so dramatic all the time.
You’re calling ME dramatic? You’re the one ALWAYS complaining about your shed days. Poor Slippery, having to talk to his mom. I always talk to my mom and it’s not so bad.
Well, your mom is a bonsai tree; mine is a shovel.
What’s that supposed to mean?
At least your mom is cool.
Who says your mom isn’t cool?
Listen. I want to go to the garden to help the plants and provide them water they need. Because it makes me feel like I’m making a bigger difference in the world.
Why do you want to make a bigger difference in the world?
Because I want to feel valued.
Well, I value you. Isn’t that enough?
I just feel more valued when I’m helping more plants out and I have more of an opportunity to do that at the high school.
Okay. Well, I get why you want to go.
BLOOMY (Sighs)
Well, I guess this is goodbye, then. I’m sorry you’re leaving, but I’m happy for you. I’m gonna miss you a lot, Slippery. I understand that you’re leaving and I just want you to know I’m not mad at you. I just hope you’re happy about the decision you’re making.
Thank you Bloomy. I’m gonna miss you, too. I know that you’ll get the water you need soon enough so you can go see that boy. Goodbye Bloomy, take care.
Goodbye, Slippery.
Slippery exits. Bloomy is alone and it’s beginning to get dark and cloudy. The birds stop chirping. Then it starts to rain.
It’s raining! I’m finally gonna grow tall!