Meeko the Blue Jay, Male, Age: 17
Goody the Carrier Pigeon, Female, Age: 18
A small birdcage with tagging on the inside. The windows are foggy so you can’t see out. Got other cages slamming, other birds singing, Stale hash browns and soggy meat sogging. Books on the side, there for the reading. Only on Mondays the Jones goes out to the garden.
10:30 in the morning
At Rise:
Meeko and Goody are perched on the same branch of a tree in the garden.
Wazzup baby! What’s been going on?
Oh, you know, I’ve been thinking about you daily. Not being wich you got me going crazy.
You better be girl. Better not be having no scrub in your face.
Are you serious right now!?! I just told you all I think of is you and you got me going crazy, and you say some Bird-S like that!
Girl, calm down. I’m just asking a question. Damn!
A ridiculous question! Why would I fly up here and waste my time if I had some stupid scrub in my face? That don’t make no sense at all, Meeko.
Dang, baby! I’m just joking. I know you ain’t out there doing me wrong, cuz you know we forever…like birds of a feather.
Well then stop playing like that. I’m not in the mood. Let’s talk about what’s really going on.
What chu mean? You leaving me?
Get real Meeko. I’m talking about you going to Wyoming or going to 33rd.
Girl, why you keep pushing me ’bout that? Why you keep buggin’ me?
What do you mean? We had a plan already. We were gonna get our own coop and start a family. And I don’t want to wait four months to see you again. So you best go to 33rd then we can stay together and go to school until you get out.
What about me? What about me making my own decisions? Why can’t you just hold me down until I get back? It’s only 120 days! Girl, stop trippin’!
Yeah! You’re right. It’s only 120 days, but it’s in Wyoming. I can’t just wait. That’s gonna tear me apart wondering everyday what’s happening to you.
Girl, ain’t nothing gonna happen to me. I’m just gonna get some extra credit so I can go to college. Not like I’m gonna be out there forever.
Well to me that is kind of forever. So if you don’t stay here and go to 33rd, you can kiss this relationship over. And that’s the end of this discussion.
Why it seem like you’re changing. Like you’re not down for me like when we first started talking?
What do you mean it seem like I’m changing when it should be easy for you to decide to go to 33rd and not go to Wyoming? If you were loyal, you should know to go to 33rd and stick with your girlfriend.
Girl, you ain’t giving me no chance to explain that going to Wyoming I can get a degree and start a new life and get a scholarship to play birdball.
You always swingin’ everytime and I just want to fly, but I don’t want to do it without you by my side.
Whatever choice I make, I’ll still be by your side no matter what. Girl, I’m gonna come back, baby, I’m gonna come back to you, baby, don’t leave me for no clown, baby.
Look, I’m not gonna keep going back and forth with you Meeko. I got a life too, you know? Just make up your mind, cuz it could make you lose a fine jone like myself.
If you want us to be together then why don’t you fly your fine tail with me to Wyoming?
Girl, all you gotta do is get a room in a bird-tel and enroll in a school out there and soon as the four months are over we can go to the same school and graduate together. Girl, sometimes you got to improvise. There’s more in the world then just Flock City. Understand me?
Maybe you’re right, Meeko. I was just getting so worked up. I haven’t seen you in five months and it just been hard on me. I can’t get my needs filled from you.
Plus, girl, you might not know, you might like it out there and we could start our family out there. We can graduate and start something new together out there. But it won’t always be easy, but we got each other, baby.
Okay, let me pack a couple of things and be ready to take flight when you leave. And we’re gonna leave all this negativity behind and get ready for our new future.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about girl! That’s all I needed you to be is on the same program as me and to be there in my life, cuz I wouldn’t want to end up with any other bird as you.
The End!