by Marina P.
SHINY, the Star: The only purple star in the sky. 18 years old.
Mom the MOON: Only unique moon with a blue light at the bottom.
Setting: Outer space dark purple lights shiny yellow stars warm temperature and blue diamonds in the sky.
Time: 18 o’clock at night after eating moon-stars.
At Rise: Shiny bend over with her top down. Moon is tilt to one side trying to hear what Shiny is about to say.
Whats wrong Shiny?
You won’t believe me!!!
Because every time I do believe you I always end up being lied to!
No the last time was a big mistake Mom and I apologized about it . . . Well I know I lied about dating him but now I moved on I’m not even seeing him anymore.
It doesn’t matter Shiny when you lied to me I lost trust in you! What do you mean your dating someone I told you before Shiny your to young!
Your saying I’m to young when I’m 18 now I’m not a little star anymore . . . Mom I know me and you are not always going to come to an agreement. This Light is like my night and day – he’s perfect for me.
You don’t know what perfect is Shiny until you get married and have an happy family. You understand!
I understand! Mom he’s perfect I tell you! PERFECT!!! I don’t want no other light but him (begging) pleeeeassee
Say Shiny, what is it that Light does for you?
He teaches me how to reach higher for earth (reaching up). He can show me how to shine brighter in the sky.
Shiny if you go to the middle of earth how is that going to make me feel (Sad) You’re my protection at night in the sky.
Mom you’re the moon you are brighter then the atmosphere. You are like the Giant can’t nobody put you down. I promise!
Shiny how do you think that’s not going to affect our family? We love you! You’re my only daughter.
Don’t you think if you get married to Thunder your not going to have any more stars moving around earth like me. Of course you will Mom . . . Trust and believe
Yea, they will but you’re my first. If I let you go its going to be sad but the time will get better I guess (shoulders shrug).
Mom I’m older let me just make my decisions and whats best for me. Light would not hurt me in any type of way but teach me how to shine brighter. He could never hurt me.
I feel you should stay on my planet until I have your little starzey’s. At night I need you you’re my only protection. Shiny you know when it gets dark at night who’s going to be around me to protect me from the heat?
If I don’t date Light then I would never shine bright. Its only a matter of time before Light has to go back down to earth and burn and I don’t want that – Mama Moon please.
And if I say NO then he would still have to burn because your to young to date him Shiny stay with me (control)
Mom the clock is ticking he needs me and I need him. Before its to late
How does a star and light need each other Shiny? Please explain Shiny
He’s the light that’s going to make me be brighter and I’m the star that’s going to make him shine.
What do you mean brighter?
He’s going to help me grow and shine outta all stars around me. I’m the only purple star that stands out.
Okay Shiny! (softer, calmer) You bring him at middle night and let me meet him and discuss this situation about star and light being together.
Okay Mom I will but please don’t bring up the time he has to be back down to earth before he burns.
Why not he doesn’t want anybody to know that he’s a light that getting used on earth to burn
Its not that. Its just his secret that he doesn’t want nobody to know Light burns on earth every time he gets used.
Well if he comes with us how isn’t he going to get used?
He can be up here with the family and never have to go back to earth again and get burned.
(Confused face) Sayyyy What are you saying now Shiny about the family situation? You want to become one
Mom instead of me leaving going to the middle of the atmosphere I can stay up top with you and the family and Light can be in the family.
So now you don’t want to be away you want to stay even if I become a family with Thunder
You can become a family with Thunder Mom and have my little starzeys I will still be here up top with you
Still be here as my protector at night? How are you going to work things out with you and Light, Shiny? I don’t want to cause any problems . . .
Problems? Mom (sweet-talk) I can talk to Light about us becoming a bigger family and me protecting you at night I know he’ll understand how I can and need to protect you.
Okay Shiny we came to an agreement, you don’t leave, stay and bring Light with you and you can discuss with him about you being my protector at night.
OKAY! (Spins around 2 times)
(Tilt to the right and turn head forward – this means “Okay!”)