A Play by Francesca
Humble the Puzzle Piece, Female, Age 5 Blob the Puzzle Piece, Female Age 25 Humble’s older sister.
An Enormous closet with a computer. We see a tiny light hanging from the ceiling, a toy box, and a gigantic cardboard box which is Humble’s house
11:00 am in early summer. |
Blob sits at the computer enjoying herself. Humble walks over to Blob.
Blob Hey sis, let’s go across the rug to get some pieciges, then I can tell you about my piece lover. Blob Awww Humble! As much as I want to, I really have to rank my character! Blob What’s going on! Humble C’mon dude it’s only gonna take like an hour or so! Don’t you want to spend time with me? Blob I do want to spend time with you but I’ve been waiting to do this rank all week! If I don’t finish this then Humble Who cares whether your gonna finish it or not. Can’t you pause the stupid thing and continue later? (Blob stops typing and looks Humble) Blob (attitude) No Humble I cant and I don’t appreciate it when you cut me off like that! Plus, I don’t feel like going anywhere. Humble Well Gosh that’s the only way I can get your attention. Man I have to go through hell just for you to look at me! I mean what is it about the game that forces you to act this way?! Blob Nothing forcing me to act this way Hum! It’s very hard to explain but Humble TRY ME! I bet you anything I’ll get it. Blob What the puzz did I tell you about cutting me off! You know what your really being a pain in my corner right now. So I think its best you leave NOW! (Humble becomes silent.) Humble Huh? (laughs) okay. That’s how you feel. It’s all good. Don’t come crying to me tomorrow when you wake up and I’m not here tomorrow. Blob What the puzz do you mean you’re not gonna be here tomorrow. UGH! Why can’t you understand why I play this game! Would you want me doing this or instead of you know what? (A sense of rage enters Humble’s face) Humble You better not! Blob I didn’t say I was! Humble Wait, so you’re saying that you’re hooked on this dumb game to distract you from rolling yourself in sugar? Blob It’s not just that Hum, It’s just that… (Blob tries to find a way to let it out) Humble No. It’s okay. I know now that I think about it. Blob What can you possibly think it is? Even though I know you’re not gonna get it but go ahead, I wanna here it. Humble Okay, I think ever since mom died you didn’t know what to do and felt at a loss. You began to feel lonely and paranoid, then found a way to not feel those emotions, which was rolling yourself in sugar. Humble I can’t believe blob is still hooked on that stupid computer game. Ugh! I barely get to see her or talk to her like I use to. I miss talking to her about my piece-lover and our family. I always question myself if she even misses me. And what is it about that game that’s more important than me?! Doesn’t she know that I miss her and that I need her? Or the fact that she and I both know we want a better life for her and this is obviously not it. But what if she does want to change her image? No… because if she did then she would’ve done it. Then what’s stopping her from doing it? Am I really that much of a pain in the corner?? I mean sheesh dude, she’s clueless of how I feel about everything. Even when I try to tell her, it’s like it goes through one space and out the other. Could she be that hesitant? Goodness I’ve never met another piece (other than myself) to be so stubborn! I hope she knows that I stay on her corner because I love her and I only want the best for her. Hopefully she realizes what she’s putting my family and I through and does something about if ASAP, before she does something she’ll regret. Guess I’ll have to wait and see. Blob OMG. I feel so puzzled about everything. I wish Humble and my family can understand where I’m coming from. It’s not my intention to be selfish or anything like that. But what they don’t understand is that I feel at home when I play the game. Even though I am at home the game takes me away from all my problems and I don’t have to worry about anything. Basically what I’m trying to say is that it takes me away from reality. I’m not gonna lie, I guess I am hooked on it somehow but it’s not like I rely on the game to live… Or do I? I don’t think so cuz’if I was then I’d be on it 24/7, 365, but I’m not. So I don’t know what Humble keeps complaining about. I want to go visit her and say hi to her when I have time. It’s not like I completely forgot about her and the family. What they can’t visualize is that I put my all into this game, Meaning my self-esteem and what not. I can’t do anything in this closet that’s fun except my game. I love talking to different pieces around the world and making new friends. I just wish that my family can comprehend that, put aside my real image, which is not that interesting, my image in the game is a way more compelling image. I have money in the game, food, shelter, clothes etc. And all I have to do for all of it is press a single button! What kind of a piece wouldn’t want that? Shoot I would. I have the time of my life in that game which makes me feel alive and admired… Don’t they want that for me? I mean, I guess I should spend more time with Humble and my family. But at the same time, I’m a big puzz now and I have the right to make my own decisions. God I have a big decision to make. Blob If you already know then why don’t you just go with the flow and let me do what I do! Humble Because! I love you and I’m scared for you all I want to do is help. It’s so frustrating trying to get your attention from a FREAKIN computer! (Humble begins to tear up) God! It’s like every since mom passed I never really had a role model or someone to look up to. At least I thought I did until that damn thing came along. Blob (Blob begins to tear up) Hum you know I love you and I really care about you but this is the only way I can be myself. Humble You know what, (Humble walks over to the end of the computer) I can’t take this anymore. That’s why I told everyone to move to the other side of the house. I really want you to come so you can start a better life and life we can develop a better relationship. Blob Hum, you have to realize that I’m a big puzz how and I have the right to make my own decisions. Humble Well since you mentioned that it looks like your gonna have to start making them cuz we’re leaving tomorrow. It’s up to you man. Blob You can’t force me to do something I don’t want to do. O, why don’t you guys just leave and let me begin adulthood by myself. I promise to visit ya’ll more often and to get some help for my addiction.
Humble (takes a deep breath)
Well, since I can’t change you, even though I want to, I’m glad you’re making a decent decision. Just know I love you and this is only choice I agree with you on.