Change Up 02/27/2016 By: Tee Characters: Pak the Bull, age: 18 Eli the Rat, age: 17 Setting: In the jungle, there are a lot of animals, but not all are friendly. The jungle is not a place you would want to be. There are dead corpses lying around and the lakes are more red than blue. The jungle is not a place you would want to be at. Little cubs get snatched up and only the strong survive. At Rise: Pak is trying to wake Eli up. _________________________________________ Pak: Eli! Eli! Eli! Wake up man. Eli: What you want dude? Pak: You know I love you right? (Pauses) And, you know I been with you through thick and thin and… Eli: Blood, just spit it out.
Pak: Well, I was doing a lot of thinking and I was wondering if you will help me with something. Eli: And what is that? Pak: (Says nothing) Eli: I’m finna go back to sleep, this conversation is getting boring. (Eli lies back down) Pak: Well, I was wondering if you can help me fight the wolves! Eli: (Shoots back up) What the figg did you just say?! Pak: Come on man, you don’t remember everything I did for you…? Eli: I do and don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful, but fighting the wolves? We’re talking about wolves not bears, not lions, but wolves. Now, I done did a lot of stuff with you and I have many scars to show, but wolves, come on now. You must be sipping jungle juice again. (Eli smirks) Pak: I only been sipping a little, but I think we can do this. Just imagine what it would be like to be kings of the jungle. All of the people who been making fun of you, can be gone with just a snap of a finger and you could finally reunite with your real family, like you always wanted to. Eli: Man that sounds good, but you got to give me time to think. Pak: Aight (Waits 3 seconds), sooo what you think? Eli: Damn blood, I didn’t even get time to think. Pak: Well, you kinda gotta hurry, cuz it 7:30 and we have to be there before 8:00. Eli: Wait, why before 8:00? Pak: Cuz the full moon comes out. Eli: You crazy blood! The full moon is today. You know that when it rises they will be even stronger than they are now.
Pak: I know, that’s why we should go right now before it rises. Eli: In case you forgot, I don’t know how to fight. Pak: It’s good, I’ma gonna kill both the wolves; I just need you to help me with the hard-to-make kingly decisions. Eli: Damn blood (Stops and thinks). Man, figg it. I’m in, but on one condition, when we become kings, I will be able to reunite with my fam. Pak: Yes! I knew you would pull through. We’re going to be great kings, we’re… Eli: Blood, did you hear me? If we’re kings, I get to reunite with my family. Now is that a deal? Pak: Oh yeah-yeah (Dismissing). Wow! Kings. Now come on, let’s get going!
End of Scene
Scene 2 Setting: After the bloodbath with the wolves, the jungle suddenly looks great. The sun is brighter and there are a lot of animals playing around with each other. Time: 7:59 after the battle. At rise: Eli is on a cliff, while Pak is in their new cave. Eli: (Talking to himself) Wow! Wait till my fam sees me now (Walks to the cave towards Pak). Pak: Ay Eli, how does my crown look? Eli: Technically it’s ours but… Pak: Ours? Ha ha, what have you done to deserve this crown? Eli: In Case you forgot, I showed you where the wolves’ weak spot was at so I kinda did a lot. Pak: (Now angry) But, I killed those wolves, you was over there getting yo tail whooped. Eli: I’m going to ignore you cuz I know it’s the jungle juice talking (Eli turns around to leave). Pak: Yeah run away, like you do all your problems. Eli: (Turns back around) What the figg you just say? Pak: You heard me. Eli: Listen muscle head, you better shut up before… Pak: Before what, you always been useless just like your family. Eli: How could you say that? You been like my brother ever since we was young. But after what you just said, I know where we stand. Family is everything to me and for you to say that just makes me know where our relationship stands. Matter of fact, where were you Pak when your mom was sick?! Oh yeah, I know where you were, out and about. Pak: Figg you, I’ll kill you for saying that.
Eli: Ain’t nothing but air and opportunity. Pak: You sounding pretty tuff for somebody who’s gonna get slapped around! Eli: That’s because I’m not scared of you anymore! Pak: If you not scared then strap up and let’s see who will be the last one talking. Eli: Figg it, come on.
(Both get ready to fight and then charge at each other)
The End