PANDORA THE BLACK ROSE, female AGE : 16 SEASONS HABITAT: The Garden of Deception. It is always dark, the sun never shines. It looks like a cemetery. There are maggots, centipedes and it smells of Iron (blood) and rotting flesh. She tastes fear, deception and touches quicksand and slimy, humid, jagged rocks. She hears screams, crow caws, metallic schreech. FAMILY: Poison Ivy (Mom), Wicked Weed twins (younger sisters), Violent Violet (aunt), Soiled Soil (father) CLOSEST RELATIONSHIP: Black Widow the Spider. She is the oldest one in the Garden and she gives Pandora advice. OBJECTIVE: Pandora wants to leave The Garden and go where the sun shines and be a Red Rose. MOTIVATION: Black Widow said that once upon a time the sun shines in the Garden and everything had colors and looked vivid. Not all dark and gloomy. GREATEST FEAR: She is scared of withering. SECRET: She secretly hates the taste of blood.
MONOLOGUE I want to see the sun, but the sun never shines in the Garden. We only get the moonlight and the blood rain that falls from the storm clouds. The only wildlife that “lives” here are the maggots and roaches that run around the dead bodies. That stuff nasty. I don’t really like all the gruesome stuff that’s around me all the time. I want to see better days not just dark, gloomy, nasty stuff. The fact that other plants get to drink water and I drink blood is irritating. Why can’t I be a normal red rose, not a black rose? (To be continued) |