Alive: |
Long time no see. Where have you been hiding?
Aggra- vation: |
I’ve been in the shadows, but I haven’t gone anywhere. Don’t you know I’ll always be around to cause trouble?
Alive: |
You’re always making life difficult. When are you gonna change for your own good? Stop being so ignorant and unthoughtful. There is no future at the end of the path you are choosing. |
Aggra- vation: |
I could care less about what anyone thinks about me, especially you. I have more power over Layla’s heart than you ever will.
Alive: |
Anger and Aggravation have no power. You are a weakness in Layla’s heart. The power of love should not be taken for granted or underestimated. Love is a precious gift, it makes a person feel strong, alive, needed and valued. It is a motivation to live.
Aggra- vation: |
Love is fake! No one is faithful or cares about how I feel. No one is worthy of owning my heart. I believe in hate, I don’t trust anyone. I am alone in the heart. I only care about myself and the way I feel. Why should I care for others’ feelings when they don’t care about mine? |
Alive: |
You should honor and cherish the presence of others. I feel alive because I have love in my heart. There are emotions that care about your feelings, and when you’re feeling sad, they’ll be there for you no matter what. You should be thankful that they’re devoted and dedicated to your relationship. |
Aggra- vation: |
I don’t have a relationship with anyone. I have no friends. My motivation, “Anger”, is the only one I associate with. He influenced me and led me into an evil lifestyle. He taught me how to control people and use my power. People try to ignore me and leave me in the shadows, but I’m always there to take over. The most important thing to me is power, to control and manipulate. Seeing someone in misery brings me excitement and thrills. Nothing would make me happier than to see Layla destroying the bond in her relationship with her boyfriend. I would love to see his face when he finds out that she slept with another guy.
Alive: |
What would Layla’s boyfriend think? Don’t you care how her boyfriend would feel if you made Layla cheat on him? I know that they love each other and even if you do win this argument, she’s going to feel regretful and crushed. Don’t you know you’re’ going to destroy their beautiful relationship? |
Aggra- vation: |
That’s the idea. To create regret and pain in Layla’s heart that was once full of happiness. I love to see people do things they wouldn’t normally do, causing pain driven by hate and anger, and therefore releasing the bad side in humans that they fear and try to avoid. Witness the power that Aggravation has on humans’ hearts! Go ahead, Layla, give your body to him. Let pleasure and lust guide you! Do it! Layla, do it now! |
SCENE TWO (Later that night) |
Alive: |
See what you did? You’ve broken Layla’s heart. She feels ashamed, hopeless, and regretful for what she did. She’s standing on the edge of the building and is about to commit suicide! |
Aggra- vation: |
Don’t you feel the adrenaline rush? This is the moment I’ve been waiting for! |
Alive: |
What are you talking about? |
Aggra- vation: |
Don’t you see? All is against me. I am the half of humans’ hearts that they all try to hide behind smiles and handshakes. But they’re afraid to reveal their true side, which is me. I am the cause of every evil thing humans commit and create. I cause wars, panic, destruction, suffering and death. I cause people to do evil things by giving them things to fight over. I make them greedy and forget about their real needs in life because of money. Haven’t you ever noticed how money makes people evil? I make them fight over territories and even colors. I’m the one who creates minority communities filled with drug spots, violence, liquor stores and gangs. I trap people in a life of crime and make them believe that violence is their only way to survive. There is no limit to my power. So why do you think Layla’s death would affect me? |
Alive: |
Don’t you know if she dies, we’ll die too? We are a part of her, remember? The heart cannot live on without the body. |
Aggra- vation: |
You are wrong! People die all the time. They are buried in the dirt and forgotten forever. I do these evil things so I can make an impact, so I can mark my place in history and leave a legacy behind long after my death. I believe this is the only way I can live forever and be remembered by all to come. |
Alive: |
There are other ways to live forever: Such as starting a foundation or having kids and raising and family. Building a house, and creating instead of destroying. Helping others to live a better and healthier life. You should appreciate life and what it has to offer. You only live once. So why not make the best of it? I dedicate and devote myself to improve relationships within the people and keep them strong and long lasting, relationships that all people carry in their hearts. I work on making people feel better about themselves because I care about others’ feelings. I give them signs, miraculous signs, in the form of positive messages. It might be a voice people hear in their heads or in the form of another kind person. It feels good when someone really loves you and cares about your feelings. It can turn a dark day into a bright one. It could make you feel proud, special, and giving you a purpose to live. Leaving a positive message behind to others is the best way to live on forever. Life is full of paths that we can choose to follow. One path leads to another, but they all have different endings. You can choose a long, happy path, or you can choose a short, angry, and deadly path, but the moment to choose is now. |
Aggra- vation: |
Do you really think this is the end? Do you really think everything will be lost? Our senses to hear, see, listen, and touch are going to disappear? My only fear is to live and be forgotten. I’ve always wondered what would become of me after death. Is there really an afterlife? Did I really live to my expectations? Has my purpose of living been fulfilled? Am I gonna die knowing the true meaning of life? Is the meaning of life different from what I’ve always thought and believed? And what if my purpose has no meaning? |
Alive: |
The purpose of live is knowledge. Life is like a puzzle, and we must put it all together. Our purpose to live is to give what you have to offer to others. To help those who need it most.
Aggra- vation: |
Yes, but life can be so difficult and stressful. It’s hard to just change.
Alive: |
Indeed, life is hard. But you must accept it. It is when you truly accept it that life is no longer hard. Don’t solve problems with anger. You are only going to escalate the problem. When you solve problems the right way, instead of avoiding them, you become stronger, mentally and spiritually. This is the meaning of life. When I’ve seen that you had a lot of pain in your life, I realized I didn’t want to feel that way. I want you to change your ways and see that happiness in life is a beautiful thing.
Aggra- vation: |
Wow! I’ve never thought about life this way. No one’s ever cared for me. It’s like you opened up my eyes and showed me a whole new world. I finally realized the missing piece in the puzzle, and I realized the true meaning of life. It wasn’t worth it to feel angry and unhappy. I was getting nowhere. But I feel I have taken a huge step into a better way of life, and I thank you. |
Alive: |
Nothing makes me feel more alive than to move one’s feelings the way I’ve moved yours. Now, Layla, step away from the edge. The sun is rising from the horizon, and shining brighter than ever. |
The End. |