CHARACTERS: Sentimentino (Fire) 5 sun cycles old, Male Torni (Wind) 3 moon cycles old, Female
SETTING: Under the tree umbrella
TIME: The day the cycle changes to wet. The strongest wet season in history is going to happen in just one hour
AT RISE: Torni is running away from home. Sentimentino is calling her over with a melody and sweet scent. It’s their first time meeting.
(He sings a lullaby, perhaps “Ain’t No Sunshine”. He has a smirk on his face, he’s warming the vanilla up). You finally made it.
Torni You’ve been waiting for me?
Sentimentino No… actually I have. I have been waiting here under this umbrella tree to stay safe. I knew you were out there, I’ve felt your presence, but I know you were far.
Torni What? You know me?
Sentimentino Well, sort of. I never pictured you this gorgeous….
Torni Umm…I have to say you’re not bad yourself. And you sing so beautiful, reminds me of my child days, when my mother… Umm, it’s not important.
Sentimentino Thanks, those were songs my mother use to sing to me to put me to sleep.
Torni My mom used to sing to me as well. (sadly) Man, I miss her so bad.
Sentimentino Seems to me like we have something in common. Can I ask you something?
Torni Yea…seems like it. Sure
Sentimentino Seems like ya were in a hurry. Do you have to be anywhere? Torni I need to get my self to the mountain range across the Pacific.
Sentimentino (surprised) Oh really?! I was wondering if you wanted to stick around, maybe you can do me a favor.
Torni How can I help you?
Sentimentino I need you! I’ve being thinking about seeking revenge for my mother’s death. They have to pay for my miserable life. I need to make them suffer. She killed her. She never thought if my mother had a family. She took her from me in a heartbeat. She killed her in front of me. Her eyes locked with mine; her cold eyes that showed no remorse for what she had done. I’ll never forget them, they haunt me every time I close my eyes. They are going to pay.
Torni You should calm down. Who did this to your mother?
Sentimentino Those spiteful creatures that live in the above.
Torni Wait, wait, you’re talking about…….
Sentimentino (cutting her off) My fume makes me get redder. I feel this strength living within me that I need to get out! They made me live my life without anyone. Now they are going to feel my anger. Am going to burn them slowly. Going to burn every jewel they cherish right in front of their eyes. Am going to explode like a volcano on all of them. I’ve been suffering ever since my mother left me. I’ve been alone trying to survive day by day. I carry this anger in my cold heart.
(screaming) You hold it there, Sentimentino! How dare you talk about my family that way. My mother died that day too.
Sentimentino (surprised) That was your mom? Well, I want you to know that your mother has caused my life to be miserable. Your mother had no right to take my mom away from me. I want you to know that your mother is a cold nature for doing what she did.
Torni Don’t you go there, because your mom took my mom away from me! My mom was the only person that cared for me, the only person that would show me love. The only one that would take the time to talk to me and hug me. You don’t have the right to talk about my mother that way.
Sentimentino You have no idea how I’ve been able to survive those cycles. I wonder if my fume is going to last me another day. While you’re living in the clouds, living the good life.
Torni (She goes tornado style on him.) Uhh, you have no idea how I’ve been living! I’ve been locked in a cloud. I can’t roam around freely until now. So for you to tell me I’ve been living the good life sounds so pathetic. I’ve been struggling and crying my wind out to come and deal with this, ya’ve got to be kidding me.
Sentimentino (calmly) You know what, Torni, I just starting to realize that we’re feeling guilty for what happened to our parents, we carry all this sorrow and pain that we’re letting out on each other. We shouldn’t feel like that. I’m sorry for my actions, I knew better. How can you hide so much behind a smile? A smile that’s so simple, but sincere, that makes me think you don’t deal with pain and sorrow. That smile that tells me everything’s going to be fine, a warm smile that finally puts me at ease.
Torni You’re right, Senti. I apologize for letting my frustration out on you.
Sentimentino After my mom died, I’ve been alone, trying to seek for love and inner peace, but I’ve gotten nowhere.
Torni I’ve felt that way too, you know. It has taken a toll on my breeze, it has become weak and helpless, that I sometimes wonder if I would ever be able to find that place in the mountains.
Sentimentino But you don’t have to go to the mountains. You will be alone there again. Torni You don’t understand that I will be happy there, I want to be happy for once in a long time. I’ll probably get my cool breeze again and like I said, Be Happy.
(There is thunder in the sky. Clouds become gray. The umbrella tree slowly starts to leak)
Sentimentino Please don’t go, I’ll forever keep you company. You can’t leave me here to die.
Torni I can’t stay. If I stay here my father will find me and take me away for eternity.
Sentimentino I’ll go with you!
Torni But if you came with me, I’m afraid I won’t be free. I need to hurry, the water is striking me like lightning. My cooling hair is becoming heavy to maneuver.
Sentimentino If you leave me, I’ll die.
Torni I’ll make you big enough to survive the wet season. I’m going to leave now. If I’m meant to be yours, I’ll come back. If not, it’s because I found the freedom I was looking for.
Sentimentino You showed me what I’ve been looking for, my icy cold heart has become warm to the touch.
Torni Until I find what I’m really looking for myself.. I can tell you that after spending this time with you, my eyes are now bright. I wish you the best of luck, now I’ll blow you a kiss that would make you bigger (She blows a kiss of wind. Sentimentino sucks it in. It is big enough for him to survive the wet season.) Sentimentino I’ll be waiting for you in this particular spot after the wet season. If you come back to me, I promise to love you forever.
(Torni slowly blows away, determined, not looking back.) (Sentimentino sings a lullaby from the beginning of the play.)
To be continued….