How Sneaky gains his mother’s approval By Charles R.
Characters. Sneaky the Ruby, male, 264 years old Sleepy the Diamond, Sneaky’s mother, 340 years old
Setting. On an Island in the middle of nowhere in this most colorful, magical cave. There is beautiful colors reflected of stones. Sounds of bats in sweet tones. cool air like the air on Mt. Everest. There are birds soaring through the magical sky. Time. a warm day in the summer, 5pm…
At rise. Sneaky is standing right next to a beautiful diamond in which he is presenting to his mother. Sleepy is sitting on her royal bed looking towards Sneaky and the Diamond.
Sneaky(sarcastic) So mom, how about this beautiful diamond?
Sleepy Uhhh, Excuse me miss can you step outside while I talk to my son. (sleepy waits till the diamond walks off) Sneaky diamond after diamond you bring, they all have something in common. they’re chipped and don’t know how to act. They slouch too much.
Sneaky Ugh…(yells off) just leave she said no. Sleepy Sneaky that is not how a gentleman acts. Sneaky why does it matter? (slams body in chair) they get hurt anyways.
Sleepy well put yourself in their shoes. how would you feel?
Sneaky I can’t. I’m a man.
Sleepy are you taking this serious? this is a big task you’re going up against. this ain’t no game.
Sneaky Is this the reason my father left? because you put pressure on him.
Sleepy Sneaky how dare you talk to your mother like that!
Sneaky But I___ Sleepy But nothing. I told you why your father left. because of you being born. My husband, your father, ran!
Sneaky So now its my fault. my Fault my father ran. My fault that you’re being too damn stubborn to pick my beloved wife. (shouts) My fault!
Sleepy Your father left because he thought he couldnt be king, father and husband at once. I hate talking about this diamond dust stuff. I’m not in the mood. either switch the subject (yells) or get out!
Sneaky Have you ever asked me how I feel about this subject? have you ever asked me how I feel about him. I feel disgusted having his name in my mouth. I always told myself I won’t ever be like him and I won’t. my children won’t ever have to feel like how I felt growing up.
Sleepy Come over here and sit down next to me. (sleepy pats the chair right next to her. Sneaky Mom that’s the reason why I want to be king. I don’t want to let you down and I refuse to.
Sleepy Well why haven’t you told me any of this?
Sneaky you haven’t gave me a chance to. Mom growing up without a father is hard. Sleepy I know Sneaky and sometimes I wonder why I still feel this way. Sleepy Well for any kid growing up with no father it’s hard. Sneaky Well for me, I’m glad I grew up without a father because I really have gotten a chance to love you more.
Sleepy Son I love you like there is no tomorrow and I always will love you like that. Sneaky well mom, Why aren’t you letting my conquer my dream? Sleepy because, because…because I don’t think you’re ready. Sneaky You what? Sleepy I don’t think you’re ready. See son being king is harder than you think. Look at me. I didn’t have no husband or king by my side and that’s very stressful. Sneaky But you always seem happy mom. you have never shown a stressful color. Sleepy Well with me being queen, I can’t show no weakness. You need to learn that too. Sneaky See mom I’ve already conquered that task. Sleepy Ugh, You don’t get me. Sneaky Yeah mom, I do. I just want to show you that I’m really ready to be king. Sleepy See, well I’m skeptical about that. Sneaky Why is that mom? I have been doing everything you wanted me to do and you’re still skeptical on making me king. I don’t get it why? Sleepy You haven’t did everything I told you to do.(stands up and faces sneaky in an angry posture) you can’t even bring me a damn diamond that is perfect to be queen. Sneaky Well I_____ Sleepy Listen son, I’ve kept something away from you and I need to let_____ Sneaky You’ve what? I’m your son and you’re keeping something from me. Sleepy (blurts out) I have one hour left.
Sneaky Wait you got one hour till what? Sleepy I got one hour left to love and to pick you or my powers will be lost with the cave forever. Sneaky wait…let me get this straight…you got one hour to pick me or the whole cave is ruined? Sleepy yes. Sneaky well what the hell are you waiting for?
Sleepy I’m waiting for you to bring me that beloved wife you will have. but she needs to be the right one.
Sneaky Well mom I’ve been keeping something from you too. sleepy You have? why? I thought I’m the one you told everything to. Sneaky see the reason why I didnt is because I dont’ know how you’ll react to it. Sleepy well tell me son. you know no matter what I’ll stand by you.
Sneaky mom can you sit down please. (sneaky rubbing his hands nervously) Sleepy well what is it son? Sneaky Mom theres this one diamond I want to tell you about. Sleepy ugh. don’t tell me she’s like the rest of them. Sneaky In god’s heaven no. She’s different and I…I… I’m in love. Sleepy You’re what? Sneaky yeah you heard it. (shout) I’m in love. I’m in love. I’m in love!
Sleepy Oh so you’re in love. Then why did you bring that other diamond earlier. Sneaky well I knew you were going to say no to her. Sleepy What would’ve happened if I said yes to her? Sneaky I would have had to tell you the truth in the beginning then. Sleepy Well is that all you wanted to tell me. Sneaky well I… Sleepy Well bring her in. I want to meet her. Sneaky Mom I need to tell you… Sleepy You know what’s crazy. I felt love in the air for a while, but I just didn’t think it was…. Sneaky She’s pregnant. Sleepy she’s what. Sneaky She’s pregnant. Sleepy (folds her hands) how long have you been knowing this son.
Sneaky for a week. Sleepy and you haven’t told me. You’ve kept this from me. why? Sneaky Because I didn’t know how you’d react. Sleepy well keeping this away from me got me mad. but I understand. Let me meet her.
(Sneaky walks to the door and this beautiful diamond walks in) Sneaky Well this is her mom. Sleepy Hmmmm. Can you step out for a while. I need to speak to my son. (The beautiful Diamond walks out. Sleepy sits thinking) Sneaky Well mom what do you think? (pause) Sleepy I’m impressed son and knowing I have 20 minutes left, I say yes. Sneaky You what? Sleepy Yeah, you heard me, I said yes. (sneaky jumps up and down repeatedly in excitement and goes and hugs his mother.) Sneaky Thank you, Thank you, Thank you mother! I love you and I will not let you down. Sleepy I love you too. Remember you’re going to have a little diamond or little ruby of your own so be a good husband, father, and King. Sneaky I will mom. Don’t worry. I won’t let you down. Sleepy Okay son. I hope not. (she hugs her son once more.) now come here and let me give you my powers. (sneaky goes and lets his mom put her hand on his head) The end…. |