By Allen R.
Gully the Gorilla, age 18 years, Fadem the Gorilla, age 17 years, Gully’s brother
28 p.m, an hour and 32 minutes before the sun comes down.
Place: |
The middle of the forest, which is called the war zone, and which they call their hood. Where they live it gets real dark and grimy at night. Gorillas get killed left to right and get found left by a tree with a smokin’ banana peel on their head. You hear animals’ skulls getting crush by thick wood that looks like hammers, and animals screaming for their life. Also, it smells like fresh meat of the insides of animals and you could smell the danger in the air.
Fadem and Gully sittin’ and chillin’ on their log, Gully’s smokin’ a fat banana and Fadem shakin’ his head, and really scared.
Lil bra, you wanna hit this? (Tries to hand him the banana)
Nah, man, you know I don’t smoke and I don’t know why you do.
Man, stop bein’ a punk and hit this yellow (laughs). I’m tellin’ you, this dro.
Bra, let me ask you a question and keep it real, aight?
Aight, what’s up?
Why do you smoke, and why you want me to smoke so bad?
Because blood, this what kings do, and even tho you not tryin’ a be king, I want you to have that power feeling ‘cause when you smoke, you feel calm and relaxed and that’s how I need to feel right about now.
Bra, I keep tellin’ you, you shouldn’t do it and you keep going around killin’ animals for no reason.
I got a reason, I’m tryin’ a be king out here, bra. I’m tryin’ a be the biggest king that the forest ever had. Do you know that feelin’?
Do you?
So why the hell you keep tellin’ me stop what I’m doing? ‘Cause to tell you the truth, I’m really getting fed up with the stuff you keep tellin’ me.
So you gettin’ mad at me because I’m tryin a save your life and have your back? ‘Cause we all we got and you know that. If you die, what me and Snowman go’ do?
Lil bra, I know how you feel because sometimes I feel the same way, but I can’t let fear stop me from doing what I’m doing.
Bra, I know you ain’t tryin’ a hear nothin’ I’m sayin’, but I think you should know.
What? Dad still alive?
Here you go playin’ around thinkin’ everything a joke. See that’s what drugs do to you.
Ma bad, I forgot my little brother Fadem has sensitive feelings.
Gully…You remember the bears that killed pops?
Yeah, you talkin’ ‘bout D-Bo, Loco and Killah. What about them suckas?
Bra, ‘member when I told you I was go’ take a walk and clear my head?
Yeah, get to the point.
Well I saw them and they was all talkin’ about somethin’. So I started ear hustlin’ and they was talkin’ about killin’ you and when I heard that, do you know how that made me feel?
No, how?
It made me feel scared and afraid because animals tryin’ a kill my older brother ‘cause he’s in it too deep. When I heard that I kinda started being scared to hang around you, ‘cause you know if they can’t get to you, they would get somebody that’s close to you and now I gotta watch me and your back when we out walkin’ around. I feel paranoid and afraid.
When did you hear this?
Earlier, and then they said they were going to kill you when the sun comes down and that’s and hour and 32 minutes from now. You know I feel used tellin’ this because I know you don’t care about what I’m sayin’… See right now you lookin’ over there ignoring me.
I ain’t ignoring you, I’m just watchin’ my back ‘cause didn’t you just say the bears on my line hard?
Yeah, I did. Gully, what’s the real reason you wanna be king? ‘Cause you just keep tellin’ me you wanna be king.
I wanna be king to become God to these animals and tell them what to do and when to do. Bra, this somethin’ I really want, all my life I been tellin’ you when dad die, I wanted to be king and take over what he was doing. (Aside) When my dad died, that took a big part of me because that’s the only role model I ever had and the only animal that cared about me. So when he died, I felt things that I never thought I could feel like afraid, lonely, angry at the world because they took my father. And Fadem knew these things but I took it real hard ‘cause I was the first born and for the first year, it was just me and him. So I’m doing what I gotta do and step up to the plate and be the brave, powerful Gorilla that Pops raised.
But you know dad lost his life doin’ that and I’m not tryin’ a lose you. ‘Cause to tell you the truth, but you might think I’m crazy, but I would try to kill myself that’s how much I love you.
Bra, that’s why you gotta think positive and keep negative thoughts out your head, ‘cause that’s how animals get killed going around thinkin’ ‘bout if they die. And that’s when you can’t fully think straight ‘cause you thinkin’ about death.
So now it’s 45 minutes left ‘til the bears coming and when they come, what you go’ do?
We go’ swab it out and see who come out on top. And, Bra, I see you tryin’ a get me out this, but if I did stop, which I’m not go’ do, It’s too late ‘cause I’m in the beef too hard. So when I tell you that I’m go’ be king, that’s what I’m go’ do. So I’m go’ say this one time and the last time only. I’m not changin’ my mind, B.
So that’s really how you feel about this whole thing? And you know I feel scared, afraid and all above but you still not tryin’ a hear me out.
Is it this dro I’m smokin’, or you just plain stupid? Because I just told you what the hell I’m go’ do.
Big bra, it’s 10 minutes ‘til these bears come and I tried all I could to stop you, but I just want you to know this: I will always love you. No matter what, I will always have yo’ back, so when the bears come, I got cho back.
Feel me – that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. We ride for ours, blood is thicker than water. Now I feel relieved and satisfied.
I bet you do. (Aside) Now I feel abandoned and worthless but I’m still go’ do it for my brother, ‘cause that’s bra.
Now you tryin’ a make me feel guilty, but I’m not.
(Sees the bears and feels trapped and forgot what his brother said)
Bra, you ready?
Because here they come.
Let’s go get on them, FOR REAL.
(GULLY and FADEM start fighting with the bears, and right now they’re gettin’ the best of them. But KILLAH just snapped GULLY’s whole neck. And FADEM just looked and felt shocked and his mind is gone ‘cause his brother is now dead. And while he’s looking, LOCO and D-BO just ripped FADEM wide open.)