Characters: INFERNO, the forest fire. Male, 400 years old. ROCKY, the mountain, his only friend. Male, 1,000 years old.
Setting: Deep in the dark forests of the Rocky Mountains.
Time: A sunny, early afternoon. It is windy.
At Rise: INFERNO is going all around just burning down trees. There are crackling noises and the smell of burnt trees and birds flying away making shrieking noises.
INFERNO (yelling) I hope you trees get what you deserve! You are all going to end up in hell!! Dang, I’ve gotten so big. I think burning them trees is just making me stronger.
(all of a sudden the winds just start blowing very hard)
(INFERNO continues) This wind is so strong it is blowing me towards Rocky’s direction.
ROCKY Why is Inferno coming towards me so bigger than he usually is? I notice that Inferno is not coming at me happy, but mad. This is starting to get me nervous.
Why are you mad?
INFERNO I have been hearing things about you Rocky.
ROCKY And what is that?
INFERNO The Word is that you been hiding the trees that are responsible for what happened to my father.
ROCKY What are you talking about?
INFERNO Don’t try to play dumb. I know the truth. How could you do that even after I told you what happened? You remember the day I told you about it…
(there is a FLASHBACK):
Inferno: ‘Ey Rocky, I don’t know if I told you, but my dad, Flame the Campfire, was put out by trees. A bunch of trees did him shady. They fell on top of him, and others started joining until he was completely gone.
Rocky: Oh so what are you going to do?
Inferno: I’m going to keep burning down every tree until I am able to locate the ones that are responsible.
Rocky: Where exactly do you think they might be?
Inferno: I don’t know. They can be anywhere, even on you, but I wouldn’t know that.
Rocky: Well I doubt that, because I would ‘of known by now.
Inferno: Well, I want you to inform me if you see any trees trying to hide because they are the ones that did that to my father. (BACK TO THE PRESENT)
ROCKY Oh, I remember that, but whoever told you that the trees are hiding here is telling you nothing but lies.
INFERNO How could I be sure about that?
ROCKY I wouldn’t lie to my friend.
INFERNO I don’t believe you. You are going to have to prove me wrong.
ROCKY How am I supposed to do that?
INFERNO Let me look around to make sure.
ROCKY But you are so big that you’ll end up burning every tree, even my own family!
INFERNO Well, if you are so sure that they were lies you have nothing to fear.
ROCKY I don’t want to risk losing my family because you are so huge. You know that my parents are both pine trees so they would burn quick.
INFERNO Well, just admit to me that the other trees are here or else I am really going to burn everything.
ROCKY Look Inferno, I don’t want to have to put you out with my boulders, because if you keep pushing it I will do it. I’m going to do anything to protect my parents and my best friend, Oaky, the Oak tree.
INFERNO OH. I see you are cool with a tree. For all I know maybe he’s the one responsible.
ROCKY Like I told you once, I never will lie to you, you are like my brother.
INFERNO It doesn’t look like that.
ROCKY Well I can’t change your mind about anything.
INFERNO You knew my Father wasn’t a bad campfire. He was always being nice, keeping animals warm when they needed it, and you’re going to defend the trees that put him out!
ROCKY Look, I’m just letting you know, if you hurt my family then we are going to have the same problem and I am going to want to avenge them too.
INFERNO Well I need revenge because thanks to the trees I didn’t have anybody to raise me or show me any love. I been on my own most of my life and you know that.
(The wind starts pushing INFERNO even closer)
ROCKY That’s enough. I have a confession.
INFERNO What are you talking about?
ROCKY It wasn’t the tree’s fault that they fell on your Father. It was the WIND. That day, it was so strong that even the trees couldn’t resist it. So they fell on your Father. But none of that was on purpose.
INFERNO But all these years of burning trees down I thought it was. Why didn’t you ever speak up? You really disappointed me by hiding that from me all this time. You should ‘of told me it was the Wind and I would ‘of never burned down all the trees.
ROCKY I never told you because you were so confident that it was the trees. I didn’t want to break your confidence because it’s kind of hard to get revenge on the Wind.
INFERNO Well it would ‘of been good to know. That way I wouldn’t ‘of hurt all the innocent trees.
ROCKY I’m telling you now, that’s what matters. So now that you know, I don’t want you to hurt my family, so back off.
INFERNO I can’t…the Wind is too strong, it’s pushing me.
ROCKY No, that can’t be possible! Please try to stay strong, I don’t want anybody hurt.
INFERNO I’m trying my best.
ROCKY Inferno, just try harder, so that way everything will be OK, and that way I’ll show you how I can be a brother to you. And that way, if anything, you can take your father’s place of being a good campfire, instead of all that revenge you been wanting to get.
INFERNO But what about all I done already? You really think I’m going to be able to live in peace?
ROCKY It’s possible; all you got to do is set your mind to it and you will be able to do anything. Just remember about your father and what he would want you to do. He would love to know that you took his place on what he did.
INFERNO You really think I can do that?
ROCKY Yes I do and I really mean it.
INFERNO Dang, I never really thought about it like that.
ROCKY Are you crying?
INFERNO (tears are being to roll) No I’m not. I’ve never cried.
ROCKY I see the tears coming out.
INFERNO OH dang nothing has ever made me tear up before, but hearing all that really hit me.
(the tears are making INFERNO cool down and he starts getting smaller)
ROCKY I’m sorry I never told you about it, but I just want you to know I care about you.
INFERNO It feels good to hear that. And don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt my brother’s family.
ROCKY Thank you. But dang, you’re getting small.
(INFERNO and ROCKY LAUGH with relief)
INFERNO That doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to hurt anybody. I just want to be able to help out, just like my Father.
(The Wind starts blowing the hardest it ever has, but at that moment a bunch of forest animals: rabbits, deer, birds, foxes, go around INFERNO to try and protect him, since he’s gotten so small. After the Wind stops blowing, the forest animals separate a bit and (we see) INFERNO is finally a Campfire, just like his Father was.)
End of Play |