MANZANITA  PARK a.k.a. Apple Park



CHARACTERS:  GORDO the Pit Bull, male, age 15 dog years old
                             RUM the Pit Bull, male, age 25 dog years old, older Brother of Gordo

SETTING:      In Rum’s yard, at the dead end of the Street and Hilltop Ave, someone’s

backyard. Net to the house is Wood Road. The floor is almost all dirt, with

 a little bit of grass. It has a fence in the back of the house. The only

sound is the traffic coming from Wood Road


TIME:              Summer – 6:30 pm

AT RISE:         We see Rum in his Yard, playing with a ball. In a little bit, his brother

Gordo comes





(out of breath)  A’ Rum, I gotta go and find a new place to live!



(worried) Why, what happen?



Because Animal Control is in the Park, looking for me.



Well, why do you think they’re looking for you? They might be looking for some other dog, or cat.


Because they came in the morning, and they chased me for a little bit, but then I lost them. So they left, but now they’re back!



Well, you don’t ‘got to leave and find a new place to live’ –you can stay here with me.



No, it’s ok. I don’t want to be in your way, and plus I got kinda bored living in the Park. I want a new place to live, somewhere with …not that much people, and a big field. Just for me, not for no soccer players.



If you leave, all you’re going to find is a worst place to live, with other dogs. And Animal Control is still going to be looking for you.



Well… how do You know that? You act like you been around the City already.



Look …I tried to leave back then, just when you were a little pup, but I got …hit by a car. And ever since then, I never wanted to leave again.



What’s that got to do with me? I’m not gonna get caught slippin’ like you.




(angry)  First of all, yes I was slippin’. But I got something that told me that there’s nothing for me out there. That all I need is right here in Manzanita Park and the Street.

Second, you’re just a little dumb dog that thinks that everywhere you go is gonna be ok. You’re even lucky that you lived in the park for a long time.



I don’t think everywhere I go it’s going to be ok. That’s why I’ma look for a safe spot. And plus, you’re the dumb dog that hit by a car.



Yeah, right. You’re the dumb dog that believed that lie.



(shocked)  What?!



Yeah, I lied to you, because you were too young to know the truth.



So, what DID happen to you?



I… I was trying to leave, but as soon as I crossed the bridge and walked a couple of blocks, I got jumped by some Rottweilers.

When I got jumped, I came over here to hide –for you won’t see me. That’s why you shouldn’t leave. You don’t know what you’re going to find.




Well… I don’t know what to do now! Part of me wants to go, but the other doesn’t.


The more you want to leave …that’s how much I want a family, have pups with another Pitt –and you here, so you can see them! …But you want to leave, and there’s nothing I can do now.



Well, I got an idea –an idea that you can have what you want, and I can have what I want.



What’s the idea?



We can Both leave. So that way, we got each other’s back if someone wants to jump us. And you can start your family, with me there. And I can have my new place to live. But we gotta leave now.




I don’t know about that… I lived here for too long. I don’t know if I can just walk out like that.



I’m just sayin’… That way we can both be safe. And start a new life.



Ok! I’ll go, but you have to promise me something.



Yeah, anything.


We’ll always come to visit the park.




Ok, but we have to leave right now.





(Just like that, the two brothers go and start a new life. But they never forget the Manzanita Park)


