By Julian


MANGO the TREE, age 22 TRAIT the CLOUD, age 20, Mango’s Best Friend NALA, DUBBIE, MUMU, and KAPON, Mango’s newly adopted Chihuahua family.




A beautiful land.


A beautiful land with MANGO standing in the middle.





I’m hangin’ out with my beautiful family and they are…well, that’s NALA.  My little girl’s playing with DUBBIE, her sister, and her sister, MUMU.  And there’s KAPON, chasing after a bird flying in the air.  That’s my little son.  Well, by the way, I’m MANGO the TREE and that little family that I have was left all alone a week ago in front of me.  They were left in front of me because their parents were taken by the Dog Pound so I decided to take them under my wing because I wasn’t just going to watch them be all alone in the cold.  And I feel happy at the fact that I’ve always wanted a family of my own and “boom,” next thing you know, I have a family now.  And it’s a beautiful feeling.  Just knowing that you have a family that loves you and looks up to you.


                        (MANGO is sleeping with his FAMILY under him as he covers them with his leaves so they could be warm.)

(He wakes up) What the hell is this!!! 

(Looking at the paper taped on him in the tree trunk.)

(Starts reading the paper to himself) Ta-da-ra-ra-a-ta-da-ra-ra (raises his voice)  They’re gonna build a Juvenile Hall in a week?  (Talking to himself) Man, they’re really trying to do this.  I don’t understand why it had to be now.  I have a family which is something I always wished for and if I don’t do nothing about this situation, everything’s going to be gone.

                        (Mango feels as if his branches are collapsing)

(Mango screams into the sky) Trait!  Trait, where are you?

(Trait, as he comes down worried) What, what, what happen?

Damn!  They’re going to destroy this land.

What!  Who?  When?

Yeah.  Damn, they’re gonna construct and build a Juvenile Hall in a week.  I don’t even know what to do right about now.  (Upset)  Man, I have this beautiful family and now… Damn!!  I just don’t know.  We’ve been best friends for, well basically forever.  You’re like a brother to me.  Man, I need to figure something out quick.

Mango, calm down, calm down.  We’re going to get through this.  You need me to do anything?

I don’t know, Trait.  I don’t know.  Just so many things running through my mind right now.  (Raises his voice because he is excited) Ohh, Trait, I know how you can help me.

What you want me to do, Mango?  I’ll do anything.  Ain’t gonna let nothing happen to you.

A’right!  Since you’re a cloud, can you make yourself big and foggy and come down and just have a bad weather.  While you do that, I’ma spread the situation that we have to everyone else.  And with you doing your part, and if everyone else joins together and fights for what we believe is right, I think that they’re gonna pull back and not construct in our land.

A’ight.  That sounds like a plan.  I’ll go get right on it.  Remember Mango, if you fight, I’ll fight.  If you feel, I’ll feel.  And nothing is going to happen.  (As he leaves)
Just stay calm.

(Mango, as he stands there, worried)  Man.  Just yesterday I was happy.  And now all of a sudden my life seems to come crashing down.


(Mango and Trait stand face to face.)

(Mad and frustrated)  Mango, Mango.  I’ma ask you one simple question.  Just one question.  And I wantchu to answer with the truth.

(Mango feels lost)  What?  What’s wrong?  Yeah.  Tell me?

(Upset)  Did you go behind my back a’ get together with my sister?

(Mango in shock)  What?  What are you talkin’ about, Trait?

Sunnie.  That’s my sister.

I know, Trait.  I know, Trait.  I could explain.  See, this is what happen…

(Interrupts)  (Upset)  I don’t want to hear it, Mango.  (As he leaves)  This is bullshit.

(Yelling)  Trait, Trait, wait, hold on.

(Trait stops)

Don’t do this right now.  I need you more than ever right now.

What, you still need me to help you?  Huh?  Huh?  I don’t think so, pal.  You did me grimy.

Please, please, please, Trait.  Help me.  I need your help.

(Trait ignores him)

Trait, please Trait.  I didn’t mean that to happen.  I was going to tell.

(Trait ignores him)

Trait, stop ignoring me.  I’m trying to explain myself here.  Look, ignore me or whatever.  I’ma tell you regardless.  I never meant for me and your sister to get together behind your back.  But I knew, Trait, if I were to ask you if you will let me talk to your sister and get with her, you would of never approved it.  And what me and your sister felt from the first time you introduced us…the feelings were there.

Forget it, Mango.  This is an outrage.  I’m through with chu.

(Trait leaves)

(Sad)  Man.  First this deadline and now Trait and where am I left now?  All alone with a family that I truly love and I’ma be chopped away.


(Several days later.  Trait is all alone in the sky.)

(Emotional)  Man.  What did just happen?  Everything me and Mango went through.  He want to throw it all away by him going behind my back and getting’ with my sister.  But damn.  He was right about everything he said.  If he were to ask me permission to be with my sister, I wouldn’t of approved it.  Man.  Damn.  (Asking himself) What’s today?  Aww, damn.  Today’s Mango’s last day.  I need to get down there.


(MANGO is saying his goodbyes to his family.)

Look you guys.  You guys mean the whole world to me.  Ever since you guys came into my life it’s just been pure beautiful. (Damn, Mango says in his head).  There’s the people that are going to construct and destroy this land.  (Unsure of what he sees)  Trait, is that you?

(TRAIT comes down.)

Mango, Mango, Mango.  Look man, we don’t have enough time to talk about the problems me and you have.  But I’m sorry that I overreacted because you were right about what you said.  About me not approving.

(Excited)  I thought I wasn’t ever going to see you again, Trait.

Well, you did.  But I’ll get back to you.  I got work to do.  It’s time for me to help my best friend but also my brotha.

(TRAIT begins making fog and bad weather.)

(Yells)  Hey, Trait!  Right on, bra.

