Race Car Drama
02/27/2016 By Alejandro V.
Characters: Bee the jet black Mercedes Benz 550, Age 10,000 miles old Gena the dusty magenta Lamborghini, Age 20,000 miles old
Setting: (Foothill and 24th in Oakland, California.) Dark lonely streets with different types of garbage roaming the sidewalk. We see different street racing cars in varieties of colors like 69 Mustangs, new BMW’s, Lamborghinis, and small Corvettes all lined up on the sidewalk cheering. Black exhaust fumes from other anxious cars waiting to race is what we see. We smell diesel oil, toxic gasoline fumes, and burnt rubber. Cars revving, people shouting, and police sirens in the distance is what we hear. We feel the vibration of the other street cars and loud hip-hop music blasting from stereos. The tension is so thick in the air it can be cut with a knife.
Time: April 29th, Spring on a chilly Friday night.
At rise: Bee is double checking his brakes for the hundredth time on the sidelines before the race. He’s feeling extremely nervous. Gena is parked next to her sister Violet the purple dirtbike. She’s excited and eager for the start of the race. _________________________________________
Bee (In his head) I’m getting tired of always having to check my brakes before a race. It’s embarrassing. If only there was a way to fix my unstable brakes. I bet when I win that regional race in Seattle and get that Nascar contract I won’t have to worry about these useless brakes.
Gena (Impatient) Will you hurry up already!? I think you’re up next to race. Stop worrying about those damn brakes. They’re fine.
Bee (Annoyed) Shut up Gena. You know I damaged my Brakes in that last race with that no good punk Money from the “Crazy Racer Side-Show Club”. (Laughing) Always trying to show off with that slow ol’ Ferrari. Then the punk wanna talk smack after he loses. Cry me a river you big baby. Haha.
Gena (Upset) Why you always talking smack about Money behind his back? He is a cool dude. (Blushing) Bee (Mad) Why do you care? He’s not your boyfriend. I am, so you should be defending me, not him. Seems to me like you feeling him.
(Bee drives away a couple of steps. Gena drives back over to Bee)
Gena You’re overreacting.
Bee Gena, I’m tired of street racing. This is my last street race. I’m going to that regional race in Seattle tomorrow and I want you to come with me. It’s the last one ever for the rookies and it’s my last shot at a Nascar contract.
Gena (Skeptical) Your last race? What do you mean your last race?
Bee (Annoyed) Can I be anymore exact?
Gena But you’re the best street racing car out here. You need to keep your crown as the best.
Bee I can care less about some stupid street racing crown. Don’t you realize this life only leads to two things. Death by crashing or being towed away by the racing police and being thrown into one of those junkyard jails. I ain’t going back.
Gena You’re acting scary right now. I don’t know about you, but I looovvveee street racing. The first time I raced at 7th street by the Oakland ports I was hooked. Like a bad drug, haha. Just that feeling you get when they’re counting back from 3. It’s amazing. And that view from of the Bay Bridge,(exaggerated)It’s dope!
Bee But don’t you remember my cousing Big Red? The bright red 67’ Mustang? He had to be rebuilt 10 times from crashing all the time in races. He doesn’t drive the same anymore. He’s half the car he use to be. I don’t want to end up like that.
Gena Yeah, but that’s the price you pay for the fast life. (Devilish smile)
Bee Well you know I love you, and we’ve been together since you only had 100 miles on your car. I want you to come with me so you can enjoy this luxurious lifestyle with me. Don’t you want free oil changes? Or what about new tires or flashy paint jobs? I don’t want to go alone… Gena Well I love you too but I wanna be the best female street racer. I can’t leave my little sister Violet by herself. I have to take care of her. I’m all she got.
Bee So you don’t want to go with me?
Gena Can’t we talk about this tomorrow?
Bee No We need to do this now. You’re always avoiding this conversation.
Gena I am not avoidin____ (Bee cuts her off)
Bee Look the race is tomorrow, so I have to leave asap. You know it’s not just up the street right? And I need your help up there. So whatcha say?
Gena Naaaah. I don’t think so.
Bee (Angry) You’re so selfish! You’re always talking about how you’re willing to support me no matter what. Remember what you told me after the race with Money? After I damaged my brakes?
Gena Uhhhhh? Not really. That was a long time ago.
Bee You said that you were going to ride with me no matter what, and now you switching up.
Gena I ain’t switching up. I just don’t want to go to Seattle. I wanna stay here in Oakland and street race. Nascar is boring. All you do is drive around a track for like a million laps until someone wins. Then they got all these complicated rules. In street racing there are no rules. You either win or lose.
Bee (Sad) You’re not the same anymore.I feel like we don’t connect like we use to. I’m trying to lead you down the right path but you ain’t listening. So, I don’t know if this is going to work.
Gena So, what are you saying?
(Bee hesitates)
Bee I’ve been having feelings for another car.
Gena Who?
(Bee hesitates again)
Gena Bee! Who is she?
Bee Her name is Pinky and she is a hot pink 2016 Mercedes Benz___ (Gena cuts him off)
Gena (Furious) Pinky? That slow ass Mercedes that just started coming around here?
Bee Yeah. And she’s feeling me too. She wants to race in Nascar too, so she offered to come along with me.
Gena And are you going with her?
Bee Yeah, plus she has a connect to a car doctor in Seattle that can fix my unstable brakes. He said he’s going to do it for free.
Gena That’s so stupid.
Bee I think we should just end things here between me and you.
Gena (Mad) Wow! Are you for reals? So you’ve been playing me this whole time? You’re a jerk. It’s whatever though. You’re a sellout like everyone says. I knew I should have left your ass a long time ago.
Bee Who’s saying I’m a sellout?
Gena (Slight laugh) Money, and all the other cars.
Bee They’re just mad because I’m going to be making money legally while ya’ll still out here racing for nickels and dimes.
Gena Whatever you say loser. Peace.
(Gena drives off to watch the race at a distance still angry. Bee is called next to race and beats his opponent fairly easy. He starts his road trip to Seattle with Pinky towards the Nascar regional rookie race.)
4 Months Later.
Gena (Depressed) Damn. This is not where I thought my life would end up. 4 Months ago I was living life, riding around with the street racing king, on my way to becoming the best female street racer. Now my life sucks. I’ve been in and out of the junkyard jail, my car doesn’t run the same way anymore from crashing too many times, and Money from the side-show car club left me. Now I’m broke as joke and my own sister Violet doesn’t want to be around me anymore. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be different if I would have just listened to Bee and and went with him to Seattle. But I can’t just sit here and cry about that sellout. (She wipes away tears) At the end of the day I gotta provide for myself, and I gotta do what I know best. I just signed up for a race in East Oakland and the prize money is 100 G’s. That kind of money can help my struggle right now and fix my car. The dudes hosting it are kinda shady though, but I can’t over think things right now. I gotta make a move.
Bee Life lately has been great. I’ve been traveling the world, competing in foreign races, winning tons of money, and living it up with my new girlfriend Pinky. After my last street race 4 months ago I went to Seattle to get a shot at a Nascar Contract. By god’s help I won! My girlfriend came in 3rd but they still gave her a lil some-some. Things are going great with me and her right now and I’ve never been more happy. I was talking to my cousin Slow the icey white Camaro SS the new street racing king in Oakland. He told me some shady cars from out of town set Gena up, killed her, and took the little bit of money she had left. When I heard this I went crazy. I was mad as hell, but then again I broke into tears for the first time in a long time. Slow said he knows where they kick it at, and asked me what I was going to do about it. I still got love for her, and for them dudes to just do her dirty like that, it ain’t gonna fly with me. I know I’m risking a lot. These dudes are gonna regret messing with Gena…
The End