Spinning Peace By Juan
Characters: SPINNY the Hurricane, three years old PEACE the Tiger, fifteen years old, his girlfriend
Setting: The Coast of South America Time: 1:00 in the afternoon At Rise: Spinny and Peace are arguing about marriage.
Spinny: Why you keep buggin me about marriage?
Peace: You don’t really love me, do you/
Spinny: Why you always pullin that card?
Peace: Why you never answer my questions? Tell me you love me!
Spinny: You say it first!
Peace: I love you.
Spinny: Ditto. (laughs)
Peace: (yelling) See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about, you hair brained pocket of wind!
Spinny: You callin me a fart? Cause wind don’t got pockets. You must be callin me a fart.
Peace: That’s what you act like sometimes.
Spinny: What does a fart act like?
Peace: (shakin her head) Naaaah….you still ain’t said you love me.
Spinny: I’m not sayin it.
Peace: Why? You know what you mean to me and you tell me I’m your world but you can’t even say you love me?
Spinny: Man, I’m not tryin to hear that.
Peace: Bye Spinny. (turns to leave)
Spinny: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait…you know how I feel about you.
Peace: No. No, I don’t, how ‘bout you tell me?
Spinny: Uh, check it out, um uh…
Peace: Bye Spinny. (turns to leave)
Spinny: A’rite, A’rite, fo’ real.
Peace: Tell me or you ain’t ever goin see my tail again.
Spinny: Wait…you know how much I love your tail. (looks behind her)
(Peace laughs)
Spinny: With a tail like that I could…
Peace: (cuts him off & laughs) Tigga…Please!
Spinny: (fake laughs) Haha….a’rite, I gotta joke. Tigga goes to the bathroom and looks in the toilet and why did he look in the toilet?
Peace: Why?
Spinny: Cause he was looking for Pooh. Haha….get it?
Peace: Wait, wait, wait…Spinny…do you love me or not?
Spinny: (aside) A’rite now I got three choices. I can tell her I love her, I can act like I didn’t hear her, or I can take my narrow winded behind to the other side of the ocean. (to her) Huh?
Peace: Spinny, you know what? I’m really tired of your games. You must be outta your cloud pickin mind if you think I’ goin to keep playin games with you. It’s bad enough that rumors are going around about you and Katrina!
Spinny: You talkin about the Hurricane or the Rappa?
Peace: (looks at him side-eyed) Oh no you didn’t.
Spinny: Wait, I-I-I (stutterin) didn’t mean that!
Peace: Bye Spinny. (serious & hurt)
Spinny: Peace, I love you.
Peace: Fo’ real, you really do?
Spinny: Yeah. (aside) If I knew them words was gonna work like that? I’da said ‘em a loooooong time ago. That was amazing.
Peace: You know what Spinny? I really love you too. You and my grandparents is the only family I got.
Spinny: (under his breath) Not for long.
Peace: What?
Spinny: There’s something I want to tell you but I just don’t know how to say it.
Peace: Don’t tell me nothing that’s eligible for a Jerry Springer show!
Spinny: Nah, I’m bein serious.
Peace: What is it?
Spinny: I ain’t got much time left…
Peace: What are you talkin ‘bout?
Spinny: It’s over. I love you with all my heart but I can’t have a relationship with you.
Peace: That’s not funny.
Spinny: Who’s laughin?
Peace: Wow. After everything we’ve been…after everything we’ve told each other. You know all my secrets, I even told you that when my parents died, it was me who accidentally pushed them off that cliff. You know what? Bye Spinny!
Spinny: (yellin) But I only got one more day to live!
Peace: What you talkin about?
Spinny: Check it out, there’s a drought comin to my side of the border and I’m not goin to be able to pick up enough water to survive it. (Peace starts crying, and he hugs Peace for comfort, she pushes him off of her)
Peace: I hate you! Why you leavin me too? You’re the only person I got left! I thought you loved me! You love me right?
Spinny: You the only woman I ever loved but there’s nothing I can do about it. But right now I a critical moment because I’m big enough to take out the whole South and that’s what I plan to do.
Peace: Why you tellin me this right now?
Spinny: Because tomorrow is the day it happens & I’m not gonna have enough energy to come back and see you.
Peace: So, you just gonna leave me like I mean nothing to you, like I’m dirt…
Spinny: Don’t talk like that. It’s hard for me too.
Peace: It don’t seem hard.
Spinny: This is a world where everything seems to be easy but nothin’s ever what it seems.
Peace: What about me?
Spinny: What about you? (aside) Damn, that came out wrong!
Peace: What about me? I swear just 5 seconds ago you said you loved me and now it’s, “what about me?”
Spinny: I didn’t mean it like that.
Peace: So what you mean?
Spinny: I only have 1 day to live. We are not having this conversation tomorrow. What part of that do you not understand?
Peace: (aside) I can’t believe this is happening to me. The only person I love besides my grandparents is going to die. (to him) There’s nothin’ we can do about it? Nothin at all?
Spinny: Well, I could get more moisture from some clouds but when you get moisture from clouds I might expand too wide and I won’t be as powerful.
Peace: Is that the only thing you think about? Power? What about love? What about me? You’re the only family I got.
Spinny: Naw, that’s not true. You got your grandparents. I know how you feel about family, and I know you wanna get married but what about my goals?
Peace: Destruction is not a goal.
Spinny: How can you just knock my dream like that?
Peace: Spinny, listen to yourself. Listen to how you sound. You’re tryin to destroy the South. Do you know how many women and children are going to be killed in that storm?
Spinny: I gotta leave a legacy.
Peace: A legacy? So that’s what your mom and dad did, huh? Left a legacy? Or did they just kill a bunch of people?
Spinny: (starts stirring, spinning, and starts to take off.)
Peace: Spinny! Wait! I didn’t mean that! (she starts taking off up the coast after him. It takes her a day and a half to get up the coast and they meet.)
Peace: I’m not goin to let you destroy the South.
Spinny: Peace! I need you to move ‘cause right now I have so much energy that if I don’t use it for something, I’m goin’ to die, for real.
Peace: I’m not letting you destroy the South!
Spinny: I ain’t got that much time to argue, so move!
Peace: Never! You are a lot better than that. There are other things you can do!
Spinny: Check it out! I-AM-A-STORM! This is what I do! My mother and my father lost their lives doin this! My mother and my father were my heart and soul, the only people I had. And if that’s how they went out, that’s how I’m goin out, times a hundred! Now move!
Peace: I’m only gonna say it one time. Spinny, calm down.
(Spinny rears back and starts to approach full force. Peace gathers up a roar from deep in her belly and lets it out. Then suddenly Spinny disappears.)
Peace: Spinny? Spinny! (starts crying) No! No! No! No! Not again, I can’t believe I did this again. (cryin hysterically) I can’t believe it! First my parents and now Spinny. Spinny! Come back! I love you! (Peace runs to the coast and jumps off a cliff into the sea with jagged rocks stickin out sharper than her teeth. She sinks to the bottom of the ocean.) (in the end, it was actually Spinny that pushed himself too hard but Peace will never know the truth about his death. And no one would ever know the truth about her. Or will they?) Peace: (opens her eyes and looks in Spinny’s face) Spinny?
Spinny: Hey baby!
Peace: Where, are we?
Spinny: Who is that right there?
Peace: Mom? Dad? Wait…we’re in…? (turns to look at Spinny)
Spinny: Will you marry me? (they kiss)