The Complicated Situation





                                                                                                                    by Luciano V.


Slimy, the Frog – male, age 23

Pinky, the Pig – male, age 27, his cousin


Setting:  At City Hall.  Afternoon, around 12:30pm



(Going toward the phone to make a phone call.)  [RING-RING! RING-RING!]

Hello?  Is this Pinky the Pig? 


Yes – Who is this?


This is your younger cousin, Slimy.  I need your help, cousin –


What is it?!


Can you help me out?  And spot me at the gym?



Ah – If I only had a meal, I would help you out, li’l cuz, because I’m hungry.


Ahright, big cuz – I got a deal for you.


And what’s that?


I’ll invite you to dinner – aka McDonalds – but just the dollar menu.


Oh, that sounds like a good idea.  But I’m lookin’ for a Big Mac, which is not on the dollar menu.


Oh, I don’t know, man . . .


Oh, that’s a good idea because you want me to help you out and I want something valuable.  I want the meal to be valuable.  I want it to be worth my time.


Oh – OK, I’ll think about it – I’ll give you a call in 30 minutes. (Hangs up.)

I’m stressin’ – because I want tot be successful but right now I’m at my office  – aka City Hall.  Where I should be at is the gym, flexin’ and finessin’.  But I’m at the no-flex zone right now, because I don’t have the muscles.  Makes me feel insecure and uncertain, torn apart.  I ‘m ashamed because I don’t have the muscles to actually – not feel frightened of anything.  Besides death.  Makes me feel unsure of what’s going on because I might lose my life.  For example – I’m frightened of guns, because that can take my life away.  I don’t know what’s going to happen next, besides ending up in a cemetery, 6 feet under.  But until then, I’m gonna take some vitamins and get back to my flex zone.  If only I would have somebody to spot me –

(Slimy is looking for some change – looking under the sofa, under the bed and his dresser. 


I want to stand out from others.  Because I want to change colors.  So I can present my mood.  If it was blue, I would be mad.  If it was green I would be happy.  I want stand out from the crowd of pigs on Frisco Farm.  I want to feel different from the crowd.  I don’t know . . . Frog’s in the way because he doesn’t believe in me . . . He’s worrying about himself.  He’s trying to get buff, he’s trying to get strong.  And he’s on his own.  I’m on the farm and I feel like I’m too far from my friend, Slimy the Frog.  I feel strange – I don’t know.  This is just a dream and I need to wake up to reality and know that I can’t change colors even though I want to . . . I would go to the nearest Walgreen’s or hair salon and get my hair dyed – instead of changing my moods into colors.  And I would want to bleach my body into blonde and the rest – the other half – blue to represent my health and green for the environment – the blonde for coolness.  My friend, Slimy the Frog, he’s jealous because he can’t get his body dyed, because he’s a frog.  I’m trying to emulate – in a way – to be like Michael Jackson . . .

 (Slimy calls Pinky back again.)





You got a deal – only because I have enough money for your meal.


Awhright – Where you at?


I’m at home.  Meet me here PRONTO!  And I’ll let security open the door for you.


Awhright – I’ll be there.

(Pinky comes up from the stairs and sees his little cousin.)

Whazzup li’l cuz?




Nun, big cuz –

(They shake ‘hands’.)

Awhright, follow me this way.


Oh- Where we going?  Because the gym’s down the street –


Oh – I have a gym in my house – no need to worry.

(They go downstairs.)


Your house is pretty big, dude.


Oh, thanks man.

(They go in the gym room, where they see weights, running machines, showers in the back.  Pinky is impressed.)

Oh, yeah.  Could you come help me bench-press this 500 weight?



(Piggy gets in front of him and spots him. 

Slimy puts the weights back up on the rack.)

PINKY (continued)

Awhright, man.  I did it.  I did what you wanted me to do.  Now I’m done, so can I have my meal?  Or can I have the cash and I’ll go buy it myself?  ‘Cause I’m hungry–



Awhright, man, you don’t have to rush it.  (He hands him some change.)


Some coins?!  I thought you were talkin’ about dollar bills!


Awhright, man, I’m sorry – I cut a deal – an even better one.  Only if you want to –


What is it?


Could you help me out?  And train?


I would, but I have to leave –


Awhright – You could stay at my house and freeload off my refrigerator –



Man – I just don’t want my little cousin to get stronger than me.


Oh, man, I just wanna be strong like you, because I’m tired of being bullied and I wanna be the strongest, and successful mayor that could be.


Awhright, man.  I’m jealous because I want attention, too.  You’re gonna  be the mayor and people are gonna look up to you, while I have no attention at all.


I’m sorry!  Why are telling me this now?


Because I didn’t feel comfortable.


Why don’t you feel comfortable?


Because of you – I don’t want to train my little cousin because you’ll be bigger than me.


Well, we could both train at the same time . . .



That’s a good idea, but I’m not sure.


Why not?


Because you’re still gonna have the attention.  That’s why I’m jealous of you, li’l cuz.


Nah – Everything’s good man.  Don’t think like that.  Just think positive on yourself, and don’t doubt yourself, because I don’t want my big cousin to be jealous of his little cousin.  Because you’re way cooler than me and popular than me  –


Well – you got a point – and I don’t know why I am still jealous . . .


I get it – Sometimes it just has to be like that.  Because I want to be a successful and strong mayor and I don’t wanna be a punk like I was before.


What happens if you don’t become mayor?



It doesn’t hurt to try.  Just like I want you to help me train.  I’m not gonna stop until I get an answer –



Well  . . . You’re right.  Whatever, dude.  I’m OUT. 

(STOMP, STOMP, STOMP – Pinky is going up the stairs angry ad sad and disappointed.  It starts raining.)







I’m stressin’ – because I want tot be successful but right now I’m at my office  – aka City Hall.  Where I should be at is the gym, flexin’ and finessin’.  But I’m at the no-flex zone right now, because I don’t have the muscles.  Makes me feel insecure and uncertain, torn apart.  I ‘m ashamed because I don’t have the muscles to actually – not feel frightened of anything.  Besides death.  Makes me feel unsure of what’s going on because I might lose my life.  For example – I’m frightened of guns, because that can take my life away .  I don’t know what’s going to happen next, besides ending up in a cemetery, 6 feet under.  But until then, I’m gonna take some vitamins and get back to my flex zone.  If only I would have somebody to spot me – aka my cousin Pinky the Piggy.  But he’s too busy . . . ‘cause he’s trying to change colors.  That makes me very upset and offended, ‘cause that’s my family member, and I thought it was family first but it doesn’t seem like it . . .  Because he’s not offering to help.  I would try to convince my cousin to help me out – in the gym – by inviting him to dinner – aka McDonalds.  Only the dollar-menu.  I don’t know . . . He’s a pig.  He might be like, “I want a Big Mac,” and that’s more than a dollar . . . But I’ll work something out because I look after my family unlike others –




I want to stand out from others.  Because I want to change colors.  So I can present my mood.  If it was blue, I would be mad.  If it was green I would be happy.  I want stand out from the crowd of pigs on Frisco Farm.  I want to feel different from the crowd.  I don’t know. . . Frog’s in the way because he doesn’t believe in me. . . He’s worrying about himself.  He’s trying to get buff, he’s trying to get strong.  And he’s on his own.  I’m on the farm and I feel like I’m too far from my friend, Slimy the Frog.  I feel strange – I don’t know.  This is just a dream and I need to wake up to reality and know that I can’t change colors even though I want to . . . I would go to the nearest  Walgreen’s or hair salon and get my hair dyed – instead of changing my moods into colors.  And I would  want to bleach my body into blonde and the rest – the other half – blue to represent my health and green for the environment – the blonde for coolness.  My friend, Slimy the Frog, he’s jealous because he can’t get his body dyed, because he’s a frog.  I’m trying to emulate – in a way – to be like Michael Jackson . . .

