CHARACTERS:         JASON,  the PURPLE WILD MACAW, male,  20 years old

                                    FRANK, the black plastic TRASH BAG, male, 22 years old

They are brothers.           


A garbage dumpster in a city in Brazil. It is near a big wide river that separates the City and the Amazon Jungle with a lot of bright green trees, many kinds of fruits, different animals that wander  in the hot beautiful city and the cold, clear river, and the big wild mysterious jungle. At the City,  where the dumpster is, there’s birds, rats, and people walking around and throwing trash in it.  The sound of cars, footsteps, rats, birds, and the smell of dirty trash, fresh air, people cooking food, and smoke that comes from cars, fills the day.

TIME:             2:00 P.M. on a bright blue hot summer day.

AT RISE:        FRANK is by himself at his dumpster, packing his Hefty suitcase bag.






Man, I don’t know what to do. I’m confused right now. I want to leave this dump and explore the rest of this City.  But I know it will be dangerous and I could get ripped apart from different kinds of animals out there.  And I am embarrassed because I really want to go but I have a problem with finding my own directions, and the only way I can go is if Jason helps me with directions.

(Frank sees Jason coming towards him  flying wobbly;  kinda weird for a bird)

YOOOOOO!!!   Man, why you flying so low and rocking back and forth like you don’t like flying?


Frank!!! I don’t got much time  Bro  come with me to the Jungle; we need to protect our mother rubber tree before the stupid crazy humans cut her down.



Really. Wow. Anyways, I was going to explore the City and I need help with directions. You chose the right time to show up to help me with this, man.


                                             Frank,  get that garbage out of your head man, and clean your ears too.                                                                                        

(to be continued)




                                                                                                                                       JASON’S  MONOLOGUE


Man, my brother Frank is acting like trash. He goes wherever the wind blows him I just wanted him to come live with me and my sisters in the Jungle. When I show up to his dumpster he has a Hefty suitcase packed with things in them.

I ask him where you off to Bro, he says “To explore the outside world. To live my life outside this stupid dump.”

Frank, why are you leaving us man, if you want to leave this dump then come with me to the Jungle. Let’s go explore and live with our family in the Jungle so that we can’t be apart no more. Maria and Julie said that they miss you and have not seen you in over twenty years. They really care about you. We talk about you ever since you left us Frank.  After you were gone, I was with them this whole time, spending and having fun living our lives together. We want you to join us. We live in the Jungle, in a different place where it’s beautiful and safe with lots of friendly neighbors. I worry about you Frank. You are about to leave but you don’t even know where to go or how to get there. Frank, I really need you to come live with us because we need all the help to protect our mother the big tall rubber tree before people cut her down. 

Frank, we don’t have much time.  I need you to choose.   





I, Frank the Trash Bag,  care about my family. I want them to be safe and be happy, but I feel that I don’t belong in the Jungle where my family wants me to live with them.

I just want to be able to go on an Adventure to explore the rest of the world and enjoy other delicious foods.  I am really confused because I want to go on an adventure, but I know it will be dangerous and I could get ripped apart from different kinds of animals out there.

I, Frank, will take the risk and go explore the world on my own. I feel overjoyed to leave the Dumpster. Thinking about what will be waiting for me out there is terrifying, but also exciting, because I might meet new people, friends, cities, jungles, beaches.  Jason does not want me to go.  He tries blocking me to not leave. He pulled me back by my drawstrings when I told him that I was gonna go.

I am embarrassed because I really want to go but I have a problem with finding my own directions. The only way I can go is if Jason helps me with directions.    
