Play Title: “TRUE COLORS” Playwright: Young Writer Justin
Characters: Loyalty the tattoo, male, 5months old. Royalty the tattoo, female, same age.
Setting: In an SF Tattoo Parlor near Haight and Ashbury, it’s poppin’ there’s sounds of tattoo guns buzzzzing, and in the distance noises from the city (honking, laughter, yelling, and birds chirping). A stocky young guy with brown faded hair, waits on a worn out black leather chair for his tattoo appointment.
Time: 11 am on a breezy Saturday Morning.
At Rise: Loyalty is feeling anxious and hot under the heavy silver chain, and black derby jacket. Royalty still in her “beauty sleep” dreaming of colors.
LOYALTY Hey Royal, Wake up. Can you hear that? What do you think is about to happen here?
ROYALTY (yawns)To be honest I really don’t have a clue.
LOYALTY You still upset about yesterday because, I said, I didn’t want to get any color done to make myself pop?
ROYALTY (flattering herself) It’s true I want to get myself colored with pretty sparkles all around me. I want it clear that I’m ROYALTY.
LOYALTY I’ve always been black and white and I like it, it’s nice and simple, not all flashy like how you want.
ROYALTY (defensive) What are you trying to say that I don’t care about nothing except for being flashy?
LOYALTY Yeah it’s true you do only care about your looks it’s like I don’t even exist.
ROYALTY (attitude) I guess… I need to look good… but I do still care for you too you know..
But I would still like if you showed me more love and attention, than just being worried about what you want and how you look.
ROYALTY Oh needles! Why you all of a sudden all on my case? You choose to do this now I mean we’re about to get inked up we’re here at the parlor so don’t do this now, please.
LOYALTY IF it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even look fresh like you do, I was the one to help you when you was all irritated, cracked, and peeling. I was the only that cared. ROYALTY
….what do you mean…
LOYALTY What I mean is that it seems as if every day your growing further and further away from me and more into yourself and being that we’re so close don’t you to just keep it that way?
ROYALTY NO! I want you to look better! I want us to look better as a whole not like some toy tats!
< 20 minutes and his appointment begins>
LOYALTY See that’s all you want, for us to look flashy what does all that matter, if we got each other’s backs?
ROYALTY (Yeah, they’re almost ready and I still have no clue to what he is gonna do to flashen me up… LOYALTY (Frustrated) Did you even hear me? Watch he’s gonna go thru with it!
ROYALTY With what? Pshh he’s not considering covering me up, I just want to be the flashiest tattoo.
(serious) LOYALTY Think about it you want all this new stuff done and quite frankly you’re the only one that really cares for all that.
ROYALTY (defensive) What?! NO! I know I’m not the only one.. Everyone wants a little bling sometimes, even this dude wearing heavy chains, rockin diamond studs, and designer gear, maybe you’re the one he’s getting rid of!
What now you have nothing to say?
<10 minutes until going he goes under the tattoo gun> ROYALTY But you know what if you get covered up then who will help me tend to my new ink I might be getting.. I mean I’ve been always had you, right? (snickers)
LOYALTY Com’on Royalbaby don’t start thinking of yourself again, have faith, imam take care of all your needs because I’m not getting covered up, believe me. <sends her love and warm energy, smiles>
ROYALTY (winks) LOYALTY Didn’t you want me from the jump we don’t need all that color we have each other can’t you except for what it is Roayalbaby, I’m yours..
ROYALTY Well don’t let me down live up to name cuz actions do speak louder than words…
LOYALTY (mad) What? I’ve only shown you the best of me, how have I ever let you down?
ROYALTY I thought you was down to be more about stayin fresh cuz you are starting to fade you know with all that loyalty talk..
LOYALTY Are you sure getting done up even matters, we have each other that’s all that matters.
<5 minutes left in the waiting chair>
ROYALTY Well theres five minutes left does that mean he is covering me up, do you know? I mean who can replace all this, can’t nobody replace all this.
LOAYLTY You know what you are replaceable beyond belief there are many other even more feminine ink out there so you don’t even know! Go ahead and eat your words!
Yeah its best we go our own ways do you ROYALTY, and I’m a do me!
OK I guess all that bling don’t matter in the end it won’t last forever but your love will, Please tell me he isn’t doing that to me, we shouldn’t end..
LOYALTY What you don’t want this end? What change of heart now because you think your gonna get covered. YOUR faulty and he feels it and so do I now… Real recognize real!
<He gets up to sit in the tattooing area, ready to get his chest LOYALTY OVER ROYALTY tattoo covered up> <four hours later he walks out with just the word LOYALTY and a full winged spanned eagle branded over the word’s BEFORE ROYALTY>