Untitled Play In Progress

By Baruwk Ross


King Kryptonite, aka Kye. A green kryptonite crystal. 500 earth years old
Nelon – light matter crystal. 200 light years old. Kye’s younger brother.

Setting: Kye’s palace made of mercury, anti-antium, gold, etc. It is a very large palace and has large, beautiful gardens full of flowers.

Time: 3pm in the afternoon

At rise: Kye and Nelon are walking in the garden.


(Kye is walking really sternly and isn’t really looking at his brother. And when he does look at him, Nelon loks away with doubt.)


Its finally here.

(Nelon looks away as Kye looks at him.)

Hey, I’m talking!!


Yeah, I know, I know.


So, are you ready? You know what day it is don’t you?

(Nelon stays quiet, there’s a long pause.)

You’re not getting cold feet on me are you? The anthros will be here tomorrow night – for heavens sake, wake up brother!


Kye you’ve said this for the millionth time already since we’ve landed here. And I already agreed with you. We’ll wait til they get here then once they open up their black hole we can finally go home!


OK little brother.

(Kye looks away for a moment.)

I must go now. I have to get ready for our journey. See you at dinner.

(Kye leaves.)


This planet is so beautiful. (Sad) Does it really have to go? (Inspiration) Only if we could fight, maybe we would have a chance, but – oh, I don’t know – the anthros destroy whole planets and I’m but one kryponite. Not even a very big one either. Kye wants to to see his family, our family, so bad and he tells me not to worry about these weak humans but they’re all really nice. I don’t know. I don’t know. I just don’t know. They’re really all I have, who is he to just take that all away. The anthros are strong, but I’m not going to let this happen again. Not this time. I don’t even know if I really have a family. This all just seems wrong and time is running out. First, I need to convince Kye because if I stand any chance, then I’ll really need his help. But I feel something’s not right.

(Later, at dinner time)


Hey, little brother, are you ready for tomorrow?


Kye, I’ve been thinking and . . . (Nelon pauses)


And what, spit it out. Oh, I know, you wanna bring that cute diamond you’ve been in the garden with – very well.


No, it has nothing to do with her. It’s just – I really like this place and when the anthros get here they’ll destroy it. We should try and fight, who are we to profit off of someone’s tragedy. It doesn’t feel right. And I won’t stand for it.


(Laughs loudly)

You want to save the humans, the planet, how? The anthros destroyed a whole planet before this. Your planet. And you think you can stop them.


Well I know I can, I feel it. We have to at least try – they’re all we got.


All we got? All we got! No they’re not all we got. Maybe you, but not me. I want to see my family but maybe not you. You don’t care.


I don’t care? I do care. That’s why I’m trying to save the world.


And what about our world, what about the family we wanna see?


You wanna see, I never knew them.


That’s because you have no family!




That’s right you have no family. You think you’re my brother but you’re really not. You were just so young when our planet blew up and I couldn’t just let you die.


You’re a liar!

(Nelon leaves.)


Stupid Nelon! Doesn’t he know any better. He wants to save these humans but they’re weak and soft. I swear I feel he doesn’t appreciate the life I’ve given him. Only if he knew how I saved him from death – from his dimize. He’s not my brother but I’ve treated him as one. Only if my father could see me now. From poverty to king of a nation. Of course these squalid human beings worship me like a god but fear is the best tool for ruling. But . . . I do miss him. I miss all of them. If Nelon felt my pain he would be willing to win this war once and for all, no matter the cost. I hope he comes to his senses because once the rest of the anthros decide to attack this underdeveloped planet, I will need his help to travel across the galaxies and reunite long lost family. Besides, what good can the humans do for us Kryptonites anyways.

(December 21, mid-day, Kye and Nelon have been avoiding each other all day and they’ve finally came together to settle their differences.)


Not his family, not a Kryptonite – that’s impossible.

(Kye walks on stage)


Brother –


Don’t call me that.


Let’s go – they’re almost here, come on now!


I’m not going.


Lived like a king, but died like a dog. You know they’ll consume this whole planet. What a fool.


I’m not a fool. I can beat them because I’ve finally realized why I feel so strong, why I never fit in, why I wasn’t like you. My mom told me stories as a child. She said when the anthros attack they will be in search for a crystal, a light crystal because it’s the only thing they fear. Its me.


But what about me? If you do try to beat these things and succeed, what about my family?


You’re not my brother anymore, thus not my problem.

(A loud noise erupts their conversation)

I must hurry.

(Nelon leaves, only to self-destruct himself and kill all the anthros before they could hurt his planet.)

(And Kye never got home.)

