You Feel Me? (2008)
A Play by Javier M.
Greedy, the tiger, age 25,
Sinister, the tiger, age 25, Greedy’s best friend
In the Amazon jungle. There are high trees and there is green everywhere. The forest is filled with plants and brush. You can barely see the sunlight shining through the cracks of the trees because it’s going down. You can hear the sounds of birds flying off and the other sounds of owls hooting. Also the sounds of tigers roaring.
Early evening when the sun is beginning to set.
October 28, 1968
The pack of tigers is gathered around. They’re all getting riled up, roaring crazily. Sinister the tiger is talking loudly and is the main one riling everyone up.
(with a loud and angered voice) This is our jungle. We’ve fought hard for this land. Every one of you has put your life on the line for the very soil you stand on now. We won’t let any enemy wipe us out of here. NO-ONE! (Tigers roar) You saw it. Only hours ago those humans killed Paws and One-Eye. Didn’t even bury their bodies. Then when we tigers saw them, they fired on us. Thos humans had the nerve to disrespect our pack like that! OUR FAMILY. And now they march towards us to wipe us out. They think it’s that easy. This is our jungle, this is our land. Tigers will control all this soon. And they try and stop us from that. They try and stop YOU from that.
And how do we stop them? They’ve got weapons more powerful than our teeth and claws. Also they outnumber us by a lot. (Getting agitated) How the hell are we to stay alive? If we stay, they’ll kill us all!
(Cunning) That’s easy. We’ll wait for ‘em. There’s only one trail and they’ll be coming through it. We’ll be on both sides and ambush them. They don’t know this jungle like us. We’ll use that to our advantage. After striking, they’ll most likely be split. Then we’ll ambush them one by one until they’re all gone.
(Aggravated) Do you really think they’re that stupid? They did enough to make you retreat back into the jungle. What makes you think they’ll fall for…
(Loud) That was in the open field! There were no trees or brush or anywhere to hide. Plus it was day. They can’t see good in the night like us.
(Sounding doubtful) And how do you know that? Look. We all know you want the best for the pack. I know you want the best for our pack, so why are you gonna stay and risk everyone’s life?
Why, ‘cause this is our land. We’ve put in too much work to just hand it away to those humans. Is that it Greedy? You want our family to just give our land away?
The land you fight for?
(Quietly but not too quiet) Whose land is it, if everyone’s dead?
Greedy, why are you over here acting like this? We’ve been up against stuff just as bad before. What’s got you worrying now?
Because this is a lose-lose situation. No one’s walking away after this. It doesn’t matter if everything we’ve worked for is gone because we’ll be gone.
I want to talk to you, Sinister.
Go ahead. Please, tell me what’s on your mind.
Alone, over the hill just ahead.
Yeah, sure.
(They both walk to the top of the hill where they can still see the pack and where the humans will most likely be coming from.)
You know we can’t win this Sinister. They’ve…
Why is this even coming out your mouth? You’ve been through worse and now you seem like this family isn’t important to you like I ain’t nothing to you.
It’s not like that and you know it. You…
What do you mean, YOU?
Sin, I’m tired of this. Just fighting all the time. Not having enough to eat, watchin’ friends die. That stuff ain’t right. I’m tryin’ live for a long time. Not just throw my life away.
You think you’re throwin’ your life away? You’re fighting for something strong, something important. Your family.
You keep saying family like that’s the most important thing, but…
It is the most important thing.
Then why do you risk it? Huh? You know I’ve done this family nothin’ but good since I’ve been here and all I’ve got in return is what, huh? Putting my life on the line, not knowing if Ima wake up with teeth buried in my neck because some of my family stole some other tigers’ food.
So what are you planning to do? Leave our family, desert us. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you started this. Yes, there are hard times you go through, but how about the sacrifices the others have made to make sure you had something to eat. Greedy, you’re my right hand. I need you by my side on this more than I’ve ever needed you before on anything. With you by my side, I know we’ll come on top of…
You don’t get it. We won’t!! Sin, you don’t understand. I wanna go and live somewhere where I don’t have to worry about this stuff. Where there’s plenty of food and no war. Where I can live in peace and go for a drink or run and not worry about running into someone I’ve harmed before.
And how do you know it’s nice out there. How do you know someone won’t want to hurt you. Just for the fact that you’re alone; “easy prey.”
Then come with me. Everyone. Start a new life. You keep saying you want the best for everyone but at what cost?
You’re better off with us where it’s safe. Where we can take care of each other.
Take care of each other? I don’t know what it’s gonna take for you to understand.
(Sigh) Greedy this is all I have. You, my family, this land. It’s all I have, all I’ve ever had and I don’t want to lose it. This is basically my whole life. Can you look at me, your best friend, your brother, and turn your back on me as though I was nobody to you?
If you came with me, I would be saving your…
No, if I went with you I would be throwing away everything I’ve worked for. I would be throwing away my life.
(A gun shot is heard and both tigers turn around to see dozens of torches coming their way.)
What the hell is that?
(Pressured) It’s those filthy humans. They gonna get to everyone in a matter of minutes. Come on Greedy, let’s go!
No this is it. This is the end. You want to die, go. But I’m begging you. Let’s go. I don’t want to lose another friend. But if I have to, to make sure I’m alive.. I will!
If that’s how it is, then that’s it.
(Roars are heard and gunshots pop off. Suddenly there are screams of pain and roars of fury.)
It’s started. (shouting) So let’s finish this. Only one of us is leaving, Greedy. You’re not backing out on us.
Do your worst. But you know I’m no easy challenge. Even if you do end me, by the time you do you’ll be too beat up and late. You’ll be walking into a trap. You won’t have anything to give and the humans will surely kill you. Please, Sin, just let me go in peace. If you want to stay, do so, but, for a friend, a best one, let me be in peace.
(A tiger’s yelp is heard in the distance.)
(Loud exhale) Go then. But if you do, please be careful. I don’t want to see your dead body up the road.
Thank you, old friend.
(SINISTER reaches out for GREEDY’s shoulder slowly as to embrace him as humans would. They embrace and stay there awhile.)
(Quietly) Just come with me. Don’t make this mistake.
(Quietly) I can’t. This is all I have. I’ll miss you. And I’ll never forget you.
(Quietly) Me…
(And with one quick movement, SINISTER slashes GREEDY’s throat with his claws. GREEDY gasps for air but none comes as he falls over and lies struggling to breathe. SINISTER runs back to fight where everyone’s at as GREEDY withers his last moments.)
(Running) I’m sorry, old friend.