You Pick Him Over Me?! A Play by Justeen R.
CHARACTERS: Lavender the Lilac, Female, 6 springs old Fungie the Fungus, Female, 34 fungi years
SETTING: In the old and mysterious woods near the great oaks.
TIME: 5:00 PM on a spring day. AT RISE: Lavender the Lilac is with Fiery Rose, near a musty, dirty stream taking a dive. Fungie the fungus enters, dramatically, and sees Fiery Rose. He quickly vanishes.
Lilac! What are you doing?! Get out of that NASTY! MUSTY! Stream before you get stem disease. And why are you with that despicably, cruel rose!? I’ve told you plenty of times before, he is NOT! good for you.
LAVENDER LILAC Mother! Stop it. Don’t talk about him like that. He is the love of my life. The only one who deeply cares for me.
How could you say that Lilac? After all me and your step-father has done for you. Who was the one who came to help when that nasty rose ripped your leaf? Who’s the one who puts a log over your head? The one to bathe you? The one who raised you?
Do not start with me! I don’t want to hear it. Now if you don’t mind I’m NOT! Trying to get stem disease. I will see you at home. (Lilac glides away)
LILAC! LILAC! Do not glide away. I’m only looking out for you… Lilac, LILAC! LILAC, DO YOU HEAR? Uuuggh! If you don’t stop NOW! Don’t think about going home, you can go on and live with the love of your life, (with attitude) Fiery Rose. Lilac stops.
Mother! How could you make me choose? I’m your daughter! Your only pollen daughter! It hurts; it truly hurts to have to think my own mother doesn’t want me…
Lilac, honey, no I don’t mean it like that but if you’re going to listen to and make horrible choices around that Fiery Rose I do NOT! Want to be around you. It’s like I don’t even know you. You become a different flower. Your petals, oh gosh your petals, they’re not even lavender, they’re as dark as can be and the rage of anger, I can just feel it myself. Your actions don’t just impact you but this whole family, don’t you see?
You know what? At least he loves me; at least he cares for me! He tells me every night and proves it every day. If he is the rude one, why are you the one? Making me choose? It looks like the one with the problem is you! You know what? Matter of fact you’re just mad, even jealous. You’re mad that your lil’ girl is growing up. You’re mad at the fact you can’t control me forever.
Control? If anyone is controlling you it’s that monster. He’s taking over your stamen. He’s the only one who you seem to be listening to. You’re looking at everything I’m telling you as if I’m just saying it; I’m obviously saying it for a reason. I’m trying to look out for you and your well being, I’m your mother! Mothers care about their daughters, but if you can’t take my help then go!! Just leave. I can’t deal with this any more. I’m tired of it. Like I’ve already told you, your actions affect more than yourself. There are times when I can’t sleep. I stay up praying that today will be a good day. That, that disgusting rose would just leave you alone. I just can’t take it.
Mother, I’ve told you plenty of times before, Fiery Rose do not control my mind. I make my own choices. I choose to go see the slithering snakes. I choose to keep hanging out with Fiery Rose. I am my own flower. You can’t keep blaming him just because I’m always with him. Maybe, you got to stop pointing fingers and look at yourself. Maybe, you turned me into this kind of flower? I look for love in Fiery Rose because I always seem to feel alone. All you seem to care about are your husband and son. All you care about is being perfect. But you know what? I’m not perfect, I will mess up but I have to learn on my own. You can’t always be there. You can’t always control all situations.
How am I supposed to know how you feel? You never share your emotions. Lilac, baby, I try my best to include you. I try my best to show you as much love as your step-father and your lil’ brother. You are my first born. I will always, no matter what, love and care for you. You have been with me long before them but it doesn’t mean that I love you any more than your brother.
You just don’t understand!
Don’t understand? Is everything I’m telling you going through one petal and out the other? Look Lilac, I just want the best for you. I just want you to be with someone that actually cares, someone who won’t put your life in danger, who won’t rip you to pieces because he wants you to go in unhealthy water. I want you to be loved and to find the love of your life, I do. But Fiery Rose isn’t that flower. He only stays because you won’t tell him, “No.” You let him make your decisions. You’re just too blinded by love. But if you could actually open your eyes and see how bad this situation is. If only you could wake up and just realize. You will see what I’m saying. This flower was born red for a reason; red is the symbol of fire, YOU DON’T GO NEAR THEM!
I understand I have a family and support but understanding it and feeling it are two VERY! Different things. But mother, I have realized what you are saying. He’s been manipulating me into thinking everything we’re doing is right. So, if you think Fiery Rose isn’t good for me, I have to put my feelings aside and just stop seeing him. I’d rather have my family than a flower I’ve only known for two springs. I’m sorry I’ve let a flower get in between us. I never want this to happen again. It’s been a roller-coaster!
Oh Lilac, I’m so glad you are listening. You will see I’ll make sure you feel nothing but love and never, ever, feel alone again. I’ll do anything to make sure you’re safe with me, I LOVE YOU!
I love you very much too. THE END |