Inside/Out facilitators offer one-on-one support, small group seminars, and interactive curricula (10 minutes of instruction and 50 minutes of hands-on practice). In Inside/Out, youth complete individual assessments—Steps to Success Plans—with the support of Success Centers’ staff, helping staff understand a youth’s educational and career goals and their social and emotional needs upon release. Through the development of these plans, youth build resiliency; clarify their educational, career, and short- and long-term goals; build a concrete transition plan that identifies potential barriers, supportive relationships, accessible community resources, and next-steps toward continued education and toward entering the workforce; and a plan for the first 24-hours post-release, the crucial period when most intentions about their changing their lives are either implemented or abandoned.
Through Inside/Out, youth have the opportunity to explore a variety of topics depending upon their personalized interests. These include: career exploration, job readiness training, health/life skills, educational programs, certificate programs, transitional planning, digital literacy, and many others. Their work culminates in a digital portfolio, accessible post release. Participants will leave with a copy of their digital portfolio including vital documents, cover letters, resumes, sample applications for housing, college, jobs, their Steps to Success plan, and their 24-hour post-release plan.